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What age is a good age to introduce your child to vitamins?

I have a 16 month old baby girl who just won't eat ANY VEGGIES.

NONE at all. Not even french fries! I've tried to make them every which way possible and tried every veggie...nothing. I'm wondering if I should just give her vitamins until this phase passes through. ANYONE ELSE go through this, or has been through it? PLEASE, any advice would be so great. THANKS. (serious answers please)




  1. What I experienced with my  son when he was 16 month old (now he's 22)was the same thing but my doctor prescribe him a multivitamin for him to take once a day and let him eat as much as he wants but only serve nutritious meals,no junk or empty calorie food. Sometimes, i give him pediasure mix with his milk. Try smoothie type of fruit and more veggies in it or veggie soup mix with pasta. Hope that helps!

  2. my baby started to take vitamins after 2 weeks of birth,i think you should see your pediatrician so she could prescribe what vitamins your baby should take.

  3. well, she is a little bit young to be starting to take vitamins, but it is important for her to get her fruits and veggies.

    one suggestion is to make a smoothie type thing. use mostly fruits (strawberries, bananas, peaches, blueberries) some fruit juice (orange or cranberry are the best) and maybe a little bit of honey to sweeten it. then add some veggies. carrots or celery are hard to taste. dont add more veggies than fruit but try to put a serving of veggies in there. she could have it just like a smoothie, or you can pour it into a popsicle mold and make popsicles with it.

    i hope this helped. good luck!

  4. My daughter had some health problems and the dr said start vitamins as early as 12 months also I would give her cups of watered down v8 fusion she loved it and never knew it was veggie and fruit juice. She is 2 1/2 now and her dad eats like nothing health and she was starting to cross over to his side then I planted tomatoes which she always hated and I would let her help water and pull weeds and do you one day I went by the plants that there she sat eating a tomato. Now I let her help make something in all meals like spread peanut butter on pieces of celery its not pretty but she takes pride in eating her masterpiece.

    You might also try disguising some veggies in differ form like steamed cauliflower mashed down tinted with blue food coloring and spread on crackers yummy when she tops it with a slice of cheddar. sounds weird but unhealthy eating calls for drastic measures, right? Good luck!!!!

  5. hey rosie,

    have you tried these?

    I know it's not the real thing but it's better than nothing.  she still can get some of the vitamins she needs and they don't really taste like vegetables.

    good luck!

  6. My sister in law gives my niece Pediasure drinks. Her doctor recommended them to give her the nutrients she wasn't getting from food. She too, wouldn't eat any veggies.  

  7. My son has been going through this since 4 months of age. They started him on vitamins then. Her doctor can prescribe liquid vitaamins that best fit her.

  8. Well, I would ask your doctor about the vitamin, not sure about that part.  But for getting veggies, have you ever tried the V-8 VFusion juice?  It tastes like fruit juice, but it has veggies in it, so you get the vegetable nutrition (sounds like a commercial, but it's true).  

  9. I have asked my Dr. the same question 3 different times and he tells me every time that kids don't need vitamins till they are 2. But I agree with one of the other comments V-8 or V fusion is really good for vitamins. I used to give it to my 17 month old all the time-then he got a really bad diaper rash and I figured that the acidity of  it wasn't helping the situation at all. But I have also tried the pediactric vitamin drinks ( they are like a milk shake-kinda) They are kinda expensive, but it's a suggestion. Good Luck and I'm sure your baby girl with be just fine if nothing works for now, just give her vitamins when she's old enough!  

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