
Please answer if you have an answer. I need help!?

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Looking for answer from experts on diagnosing kid's learning problem?

My grandson has always had trouble in school. In first grade, his teacher noticed, and got him into a reading recovery program. One on one with an expert, he learned slowly to read. Now in 5th grade, I'd say he reads like a 3rd grader, but that's 100% more than he could before.

One year, they held him back, said he was too young emotionally to go on. He'd already had a late start because his birthday is after the cut off date in Dec.

Last year, he squeaked by, and passed, after much struggle.

This year, his teacher gave him all Es at the first marking period. School said they were intervening, told whole family to go to counselling. Grandson, his sister, Mom & her bf who lives there.

They've been testing. I keep hearing ADHD being mentioned. Tests showed that he needs further testing. He also has a math tutor, twice a week. (will be continued in a minute.)




  1. UGH  stupid schools again! Are they testing to see if he qualifies for special ed services? This is the ONLY testing they are suppose to do.

    THey can NOT test for ADHD and can NOT diagnose it.

    THey are telling the family to go to counseling to blame the family for the childs problems and also to have false proof of the school not causing the childs problems.

    Been there, done that MANY times.

    If the parents of this child did not specifically request special ed eligibility testing IN WRITING  to see if child can qualify for special ed services, then ANY testing the school is doing  is NOT legal and can NOT be used for ANYTHING.

    They can do 'informal' testing but this testing can NOT be used to see what type of help a child needs.

    They are not following the federal special ed laws called IDEA and are not following the process this law mandates.

    (big shocker there)

    The school says they are 'intervening'. Unless a child is in special ed, the school legally does not have to help a child with ANY problems.

    They want you to think they are helping so you won't ask for special ed help.

    If you need help please email me at

    There is a specific legal process that the parent and school has to follow in order to help the child.

  2. Hearing ADHD mentioned doesn't mean that the school is diagnosing your child.  They are allowed to let you know that they are concerned that your child may have attention/hyperactivity problems and that only your medical doctor can test for that.  I see nothing wrong with the simple mention of this concern.  

    What type of testing has been done? If you're referring to the normal classroom assessments then it makes sense that he needs more testing to find out if he  has a disability.  If the school wants to do tests outside of what all the kids receive as part of their daily curriculum then they need your signature before they can proceed.  

    If I were you I'd take him to the doc and ask him about ADHD so that they can do a full medical screening.  If you wait to go through the school for that type of testing you'll have to wait forever and go through many steps for approval for a psychological exam. Since only a doctor can do the testing and schools hate to pay for that!

    If I were you I would also request formal testing for special education services because you will then have some solid data to go on.  Best of luck to you during this difficult time.

    Please know that there are wonderful, caring people at schools who truly want to help this child.  Yes there's a system that can have corruption within, but overall people get into special education because they want to help children reach their individual potential.

    There are many categories of special education.  Traumatic Brain Injury is one thing that your boy may be dealing with and he can get services based only on that! He may be dealing with a specific learning diability which means that he has an aveage or above average IQ but has a gap between his IQ and his ability in some areas.  Special ed. doesn't automatically mean that your boy is mentally retarded. That's just one of many categories.

  3. I have a learning center and I specialize in programs for dyslexia and ADD/ADHD.

    What you are describing are the typical symptoms of visual learners who struggle with learning.  They are the ones who end up with the labels of dyslexia and ADD/ADHD.  They are very smart.  One problem is that the school does not address their learning style.

    When a visual learner struggles with reading they are labeled dyslexic.  When they can't do math is called dyscalculia.

    If you'd like to learn about a program that will help him overcome his learning struggle read, The Gift of Learning by Ron Davis.  If you would like to find a professional licensed in the Davis methods visit .  Here you will find programs for dyslexia, ADD/ ADHD, math and handwriting.

  4. There is ADD and ADHD.  

    ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder.

    ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyper Active Disorder

    Children with ADD learn differently.  They can't have any distraction.  Don't retain what what has been taught in the class.  Children with ADD learn slower for obvious reason mentioned.

    Children with ADHD are the same, except they are always moving.  Can't sit still for more than 20 seconds.  Jumping out of their chairs in the middle of school.  Talking while teacher is giving lesson, so on and so forth.

    ADD children can tune in quite well with something that really interests them.  They can stay with that interest for hours. They have to find their own interests.

    When I worked with my grand daughter when doing home work. I would never allow her to bring a toy or the like, to the table.  I would clear the table of anything that was on it.  They were all distractions.  I can tell you this, it's a very challenging experience to say the least.  Just to keep her focused was a challenge.  I tryed every which way, but loose just to get her interested in what needed to be done.

    He needs to be in Special Education  at school.

    I can understand your worries about head injuries and the fact that you're afraid these head injuries have not been brought out into the open for what ever reason.  

    ADD/ADHD children are not "stupid" (I hate that word), they just need to learn/taught differently.

    Sounds like you're getting any information second hand.  There's no reason you can't be involved through this whole process.  Sit in meetings and find out any information you need to know.  You may have some additional information that you can contribute.  Further testing to a "good" thing.  The more the school system knows, the better they'll know how to handle the situation.  

    If there were head injuries, they need to know about them, along with the sizures.  There may be more than ADD, thus further testing.

    I've been involved right along with my daughter and still am. She wants me there for support, I'm there along with her dad.

      I also wanted to learn myself and ask any questions that I felt I needed to know.  These are difficult times, not only for your daughter and family, but for you too.

    First thing they would do is have your daughter take you grandson for a physical.  The doctor should work closely with the school.  

    All I can suggest at this time, is get involved, then you will get some information first hand.  If your daughter doesn't want you to be involved, then I think I would question that.  I make no judgements here, but as family why should you be left out in the cold, not knowing what's going on.  Even if it's to better understand, and so that you will know if the head injuries have been talked about with those doing the testing and those who are involved with your grandson.  Don't sit and wonder if the head injuries and seizures have been brought up.

    Good luck to you and your family.

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