
Please answer if you know the show H2O just add water. Or if you just want to help someone.?

by  |  earlier

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2nd dream:

This dream kind of followed the other one. I was at an indoor pool with Cleo. I was looking around and then turned around and saw her in the pool with some other girl who werent paying attention to her. She was like "Look! If I wear this suit, I dont get a tail!" I was quite shocked and remembered the episode where she went to that party and she was wearing a diving suit thingy in the bath tub to see if she changed into a mermaid. Then this other girl,(kind of a mean girl I probably was thinking about that night because of a book I was reading) was swimming next to her. She splashed me by accident and I quickly screamed at her. I ran into the bathroom and fell onto the floor of course.




  1. Hey.  Im the one you emailed.  And dont worry about it.  Everyone gets obbsessed with shows or movies at one point.  When i was younger, this may sound weird , but i was obsesed with star wars.  Its not normal for a girl to do that.  Its just a phase and its normal.  Although, u might want to consider switching ur mind to something else.  Try to find something else to love, it could be an activity that keeps u busy, or like u mentioned, reading.  Lik harry potter and star wars, everyone thinks of it as real, even if ur a teen, and then afterwards u look back and say "i cant beleive i liked that c**p"  lol  but dont worry. if u needa talk about this more, feel free to email me again at  

    good luck!



  2. Uhm......

    don't get obsessed with that.

    There is no reason and if you are (most likely honestly) then TAKE A BREAK.

  3. Don't Worry About It. I Love H2O Just As Much As You Do. Don't Stress Over, It If You Think That You're About To Loose It,That's Most Likely What's Gonna Happen. Just Stop Listening To All Of Kate's Songs And Stop Watching H2O All Together. Watch Another Show For A While. It's A Bit Hard At First Because I Love It So Much But After A Few Days You Completely Forget About It. Then Once You Think That You Can Start Watching The Show Without Flipping Gradually Go Back To Watching It. It Worked For Me, And I'm Sure It'll Work For You. Good Luck. =  )

  4. don't worry about it i luv h2o too i already seen the second season on think though that maybe you should take a break from the show for awhile you can still listen to the songs but juss relax and start watchin another show and maybe you'll stop having those dreams...i used to hav a couple dreams lik that myself but not as severe as yours..GOOD LUCK =) hope i helped<3

  5. Ok well maybe delete 1 song from your ipod at first then after few days delete another and another etc etc etc and start adding others from similar genres. Also try watching another show that you enjoy and try and see alot of that instead and slowly ease off h20 and move onto other shows. Also with your dreams maybe your worried your lifes not good enough so you put your slef in your ideal world Maybe take up a hobby like swimming or fencing or tennis or something that you could ease onto or maybe take a big leap and try something that you will enjoy. Also try and make more freinds at school tell them about the problem there bound to help and if you could find 1 item you really want and buy it like an xbox or something then maybe you could feel like your lifes better and you no longer need to pretened your something your not :) Feel better and just try and get rid of some of that H2O stuff if you have any lol

    I hope i helped if u need to talke email me at

  6. i dont know the show sorry but your question was long so i skipped a few lines i usually never read  the whole story  .i wish you all the best . take care

  7. oh my god you seem really scared love awww, is it bad dreams do u get up frightened ?, tell you the truth i didnt hear about the programe is it britsh?? anyways iam not from the country , have you ever tryed turning your dreams to a story like an episode why dont you write your dreams and do a little of fixing and send it to the programe and you never know they may accept it and you will be dreaming gold rather waking up sad you will wake up happy cuz you just dreamed gold :) , but your condition seem really bad , try to relax , maybe your faith is telling you the futer that you will be a star on day

    hope i helped you

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