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list two ways seed can be dispersed?




  1. seed can be dispersed in several ways.  One example is wind carrying seeds.  Also, some buoyant seeds can float over water.  A few seeds have pods that literally explode to send the seeds flying.  Lastly, Humans and animals can carry seeds.  Hope this helps.

  2. Unlike animals, plants are limited in their ability to seek out favorable conditions for life and growth. As a consequence, plants have evolved many ways to disperse their offspring by dispersing their seeds (see also vegetative reproduction). A seed must somehow "arrive" at a location and be there at a time favorable for germination and growth. When the fruits open and release their seeds in a regular way, it is called dehiscent, which is often distinctive for related groups of plants, these fruits include; Capsules, follicles, legumes, silicles and siliques. When fruits do not open and release their seeds in a regular fashion they are called indehiscent, which include these fruits; Achenes, caryopsis, nuts, samaras, and utricles.

    By wind (anemochory)

    Dandelion seeds (achenes) can be carried long distances by the wind.Many seeds (e.g. maple, pine) have a wing that aids in wind dispersal.

    The dustlike seeds of orchids are carried efficiently by the wind.

    Some seeds, (e.g. dandelion, milkweed, poplar) have hairs that aid in wind dispersal

    By water (hydrochory)

    Some plants, such as Mucuna and Dioclea, produce buoyant seeds termed sea-beans or drift seeds because they float in rivers to the oceans and wash up on beaches

    [edit] By animals (zoochory)

    Seeds (burrs) with barbs or hooks (e.g. acaena, burdock, dock which attach to animal fur or feathers, and then drop off later.

    Seeds with a fleshy covering (e.g. apple, cherry, juniper) are eaten by animals (birds, mammals) which then disperse these seeds in their droppings.

    Seeds (nuts) which are an attractive long-term storable food resource for animals (e.g. acorns, hazelnut, walnut); the seeds are stored some distance from the parent plant, and some escape being eaten if the animal forgets them.

  3. Two ways seeds can be dispersed are by animals and wind. Or water or gravity etc...

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