
Please answer my question those that know?

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I was wondering if anyone else had the same thing. Before I had my baby, my b*****s would always get sore and a little bigger just before my period, but they dont. I'm liking it, but I was just wondering why. Why do they not hurt anymore before and will it last, or will that change. My baby is 16 months old and I breastfed for 10 months.

Also, I used to have really bad cramps during my period, but when I was breastfeeding, I had my period (every 6 weeks), but never cramps. Why? My period was the same, just no cramps. I nboticed as I weaned, I started getting cramps. They still aren't quite as strong, but I notice they get stronger as time goes on. But the b*****s are the same.

Anyone else know why and also if I should expect breast pain again?




  1. im not much of an expert ha. ive never had a baby

    but my mom and i were recently talking about when she was pregnant and i guess she said that a lot of things about your body and the way it functions changes. some people even notice a change in their periods such as the time in between.

    but my mom also told me that before she was pregnant she got awful cramps and after her babies she never had them anymore.  

    if youre b*****s arent sore i wouldnt complain! haha

    but they will get sore from breast feeding.

    if they dont hurt from youre period anymore thats normal!

    good luck with the baby ! :)

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