I was wondering if anyone else had the same thing. Before I had my baby, my b*****s would always get sore and a little bigger just before my period, but they dont. I'm liking it, but I was just wondering why. Why do they not hurt anymore before and will it last, or will that change. My baby is 16 months old and I breastfed for 10 months.
Also, I used to have really bad cramps during my period, but when I was breastfeeding, I had my period (every 6 weeks), but never cramps. Why? My period was the same, just no cramps. I nboticed as I weaned, I started getting cramps. They still aren't quite as strong, but I notice they get stronger as time goes on. But the b*****s are the same.
Anyone else know why and also if I should expect breast pain again?