
Please answer my survey, and you could get 10 easy pts!?

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please copy and paste questions in your answer- it is easier to grade.

1.If you had the oppertunity to say one thing to the GM of your team, and he will accept it, what would you say?why?

2.How many times this year, will sidney crosby be related in the media to wayne?

3.if you could design a trophy for the most best diver-how would it look?Who would you give it to?

4.when you go to a game, how early do you go, and why?

5.why do people bring a poster to a game, declaring a milestone(like a 50 goals sign)

6.what is your favorite sign of all time( link)

7.if you could rename any not original six team, who would you rename?and why?

8.if you could change the color of any jersey-who would you most likely to change and why?

9.give a link of the best question and answer.

10.what did you think of this survey?




  1. 1.If you had the oppertunity to say one thing to the GM of your team, and he will accept it, what would you say?why?

    tell him to bring in a good Center for Kovalchuk, its bout time he had a line mate to help him

    2.How many times this year, will sidney crosby be related in the media to wayne?

    1 too many, hes not even close to Gretz

    3.if you could design a trophy for the most best diver-how would it look?Who would you give it to?

    best dive - Derek Roy ---- person diving from a platform into center ice

    4.when you go to a game, how early do you go, and why?

    about 45 min or so, just to see whos playing and whos starting and whos injuried/HS

    5.why do people bring a poster to a game, declaring a milestone(like a 50 goals sign)

    proud fans of the player

    6.what is your favorite sign of all time( link)

    anything with TSN and the world juniors at Christmas

    7.if you could rename any not original six team, who would you rename?and why?

    Phenoix Coyotes to Winnipeg Jet, dont need a reason to, Canada needs another team

    8.if you could change the color of any jersey-who would you most likely to change and why?

    as long as Nashville doesnt come back with the mustard yellow jersey, im fine with the ones that are out there

    9.give a link of the best question and answer.


    10.what did you think of this survey?


  2. 1.If you had the oppertunity to say one thing to the GM of your team, and he will accept it, what would you say?why?

    umm i dont know wat i would say i would say watever came to mind.

    2.How many times this year, will sidney crosby be related in the media to wayne?

    ooh......thats tricky....4

    3.if you could design a trophy for the most best diver-how would it look?Who would you give it to?

    it would have a diver on it. i would give it to the "most best diver"

    4.when you go to a game, how early do you go, and why?

    30 minutes cuz we're supposed to =)

    5.why do people bring a poster to a game, declaring a milestone(like a 50 goals sign)

    so they can make a point

    6.what is your favorite sign of all time( link)

    ???? i do not know....

    7.if you could rename any not original six team, who would you rename?and why?

    these are weird questions

    8.if you could change the color of any jersey-who would you most likely to change and why?

    every jersey should be LIME GREEN

    9.give a link of the best question and answer.

    wat does that mean

    10.what did you think of this survey?

    it was random but if im getting ten points im good ;)

  3. 1.If you had the oppertunity to say one thing to the GM of your team, and he will accept it, what would you say?why?

    haha i tell him he better not boss me around. idky really.

    2.How many times this year, will sidney crosby be related in the media to wayne?


    3.if you could design a trophy for the most best diver-how would it look?Who would you give it to?

    it would be a gold car and with their name printed on it. i would deffinately give it to my dad.

    4.when you go to a game, how early do you go, and why?

    depend on what kind of game. school game..arive and half hour early to get good steats with all my friends. pro game prolly an hour early. people go crazy and pro games.

    5.why do people bring a poster to a game, declaring a milestone(like a 50 goals sign)

    idk. i never really tought about it.

    6.what is your favorite sign of all time(link)

    a pick it sign. haha there an inside joke to that.

    7.if you could rename any not original six team, who would you rename?and why?

    uhm i have no freaking idea.

    8.if you could change the color of any jersey-who would you most likely to change and why?

    probably braliz soccer becuz they have the smae color as ausse.

    9.give a link of the best question and answer.

    a link?? dude. you gotta be more spacific.

    10.what did you think of this survey?

    uhm. i dont really see why we had it. but i like it. i guess.

  4. 1.If you had the oppertunity to say one thing to the GM of your team, and he will accept it, what would you say?why?  So far, i think Mr. Sutter has done a fine job

    2.How many times this year, will sidney crosby be related in the media to wayne?    Too many to count

    3.if you could design a trophy for the most best diver-how would it look?Who would you give it to? crosby without a doubt

    4.when you go to a game, how early do you go, and why?

    It depends where i go, and when i go, if its a weekday game,i go after work, just enough time to grab something at the stadium and get to my seats, if its a weekend game in manhatten, i go into the city and do stuff for a little.

    5.why do people bring a poster to a game, declaring a milestone(like a 50 goals sign) i have never understood,

    6.what is your favorite sign of all time( link)


    7.if you could rename any not original six team, who would you rename?and why?

    The thrashers to pretty much anything but thrashers

    8.if you could change the color of any jersey-who would you most likely to change and why? i liked the orange Philly sweaters better than the black

    9.give a link of the best question and answer.

    I dont have the link but the question was something like "You know your a hockey fanatic when_______" and Joe B said "When you trade ur kids because they are not living up to expectations

    10.what did you think of this survey?

    It was interesting

  5. 1)I would say"Mr Holmgren can you put me on the payroll for doing nothing?"


    3)Trophy of Greg Louganis and Darcy Tucker would win it.

    4)5:30 for a 7:00 game.Watch warmups and get there before traffic.

    5)So they can get on TV.


    7)Rename the Penguins to a bird that actually is a predator or at least flies.How aboot the "Pittsburgh Eagles".Now thats a good name for a team.

    8)Change the Flyers jerseys back to Orange.

    9)My best question and answer?

    10)Better then the last few days.

  6. 1.  Leafs - get rid of everyone and completely rebuild, cause whatever we have done over the past40 years clearly hasent worked.

    2.  too many! close to 25 i think.

    3.  like a fake?  hah.. clearly crosby

    4.  15mins before it starts, cause i work at the ACC and make fun of the people that are there lined up outside like 2 hours before the game, seriously your not gonna miss anyhthing.

    5.  im not sure, amusement to the staff so they can laugh.

    6.  cant find the link, but before JFJ was fired, Assisnate JFJ.. haha classic.. so many of those.

    7.  none, lovve them all

    8.  again, none

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