
Please answer need help!!?

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I have a prescription to take .25mg of Xanax as needed for my anxiety disorder, this week I have been a mess and taken one every day except one. I have heard that abruptly stopping can cause seizures, is this common? Would I have a seizure after a week of usage?




  1. Missing just one doesn't mean you have stopped abruptly. Keep taking them and stop looking for things to worry about. Smile and have a great day. It will be ok...

  2. i think not...because it suppose to help you become better right??!!

  3. It usualy depends, every individual is different. But in my experience 0.25mg a day should not cause any seizures. Also depends how long your taking it several months, a year or just a week or two. Severe withdrawals are usualy with big doses like 1 Gram (4 OF YOUR TABS) and more, taken for more than 8 weeks.  In your case It might cause some irritability and agitation next days, some rebound anxiety, but not seizures.

    If that happens try to taper like 0.25 every day x 3 days, then every 2 days x 3 days then once a day x 1 day, then stop.

    If on Xanax:

    Just be careful not to take before the panic or anxiety, I mean do not take it just to prevent an anxiety when it's not there. Take it when you have it. Otherwise you will be dependant and become tolerant not allowing your brain to cope with anxiety. Just take it when the panic or anxiety is is there. Again abruptly stopping 0.25mg a day should not cause a seizure, unless you have underlying neurological problem.

  4. Prescription drugs come with little paper inserts detailing side affects.  Read that and call the manufacturer if you have questions.   The telephone number should be there.

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