
Please answer soon! What kind of hamster should I get today at the pet shop?

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Ok i've read some things up and I don't know what kind of hamster to get! I want 2 so they can live in a pair but apparently robo. the onse I wanted are fast and don't like to be held... so what kind should I get i want them to live in a pair I have a huge cage.... :)




  1. get dwarf hammies...they can live together happily:)

    here's a site on different hamster breeds-http://www.advice-on-pet-care-and-pet-pr...

  2. i've had teddy bear hamsters, dwarf hamsters, and short haired hamsters. My favorite was the teddy bear hamster. He was the nicest, and got along best with other hamsters. Be sure to get a male. I think this would be your best choice!

  3. None. Pet stores get their animals from breeding mills and backyard breeders. They are usually sick, misexed and/or pregnant.

    Adopt or at least find a reputable breeder.

  4. syrian

  5. 1 hamster, 1 cage, no exceptions!

    Hamsters DO NOT! want roomates.

    They'll fight to the death and the winner will eat the body of the dead one.  I've seen it with my own eyes!!!

    (I've heard dwarf/campbells hamsters live in groups, mine have always fought)

    If you want a pair of critters get mice, rats or guinea pigs.



    I took off the parts about the other animals.

    Now please take this seriously...


    Do not put more than one in a cage.

    Syrians, Teddy Bears, and Pandas all make the best pets.  (they're actually the same type, just different colors)

  6. i think syrinan syrian and syrian mastly because i had 1 and i took care of it and it lived 4 years!!! (it was male)

  7. Get only one hamsters. Hamsters don't get along with others. Besides your hamster wont need a friend if it has you. And the friendliest hamsters are the Teddy Bear Hamsters. I have had numerous hamsters and every other kind have been mean and they bite. My Teddy Bear Hamster, Hammy, is really sweet and only bit me once when I accidently woke her up when getting something out of her cage.

    Good Luck!

  8. do not get a dwarf my cousin has one and she has a hard time feeding it because every time she puts her hand in the cage the hamster runs over and tries to bite her! My friend also had that problem. Get a Teddy Bear or a Panda there both really loving. But If you you want 2 then make sure their both females because if their both males they will fight.

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