
Please answer these questions about I love lucy.?

by Guest56771  |  earlier

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What kind of people watched it.

Do their dialogues or lyrics reflect any specific political situation?

Is the program/music appealing to all ages?

What themes seem to surface in the show or in the artist's music?




  1. Lots of people watched it - I started watching first-runs when I was about 5 years old.    At that time we only had about 3 networks, and daytime programming was pretty sparse.  Nevertheless, it was by far the best show on at that time of the morning (~9 or 10 AM).

    There was little or no politics involved in the show.

    The music was usually latin-flavored.

    One recurrent theme in the show was that Lucy was always trying to find a way to get into Ricky's show, often involving clandestine behaviors, disguises, and other tricks she'd play on him.  

    Another theme was where Lucy would try to hide something she had done, a mistake, a surprise, a business-venture gone bad, etc.

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