
Please answer this i am begging you!! Teenage drama problem!?

by  |  earlier

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So I am kind of in the preppy\popular cliche and this guy that is emo\punk\rock whatever you call it asked me out. I've always kinda liked him but couldn't admit it because it just doesn't work that way. Mary which he broke up with to ask me out is my friend and I wanted to say yes but I was worried about what everybody else would say so i said no.Now it is really awkward and I never talk to him and just randomly one day he sent me a txt saying "sally's hot" and then i replied with what?

a few secinds later he sent to me "boo you w***e".

so i said what agin and he never replied to me.

I am soooooo confused and it would be great if you could help me out!




  1. Don't be scared of what people think. Do what you know is right. If you like him give it a chance your friends will understand, you are in high school you are supposed to change boyfriends, etc. Do what you think is best for you and your life, if you like him let him know that and explain your position to him. If he is any type of guy he will help you explain it to your friend, take it slow and see where it goes. Who knows this could be the opportunity that changes your life one way or another.

  2. yea u might b a lil different frm him. but if u like him go for it!who cares what other people think of u guys being a long as ur happy. and about the text. hmm hes a guy thats a teen they like 2 play around.and mayb u were suppossed 2 flirt bak. :]. or mayb he didnt get ur text that happens some times >=[

  3. Get over yourself! in middle school it is ridiculous to be so concerned about other children. Just enjoy being a kid and having fun with all kinds of people.

  4. By his responses, he has shown he's not only immature and a jerk, he also would not be good for you.  Best not to reply at all. If you'll wait a bit, someone much nicer could come along and get interested in your.  At your age, you've got plenty of time.

  5. He texts you with "Boo you w***e" and you're confused? Don't even consider this guy.

  6. don't listen to him and just don't answer next time cause if isn't being nice and forget guys that are like that and ignore him and tell him that he is being a jerk off

  7. why are people so worried about what others think? maybe you like being part of that preppy, turned up nose, 'we're better than you are crowd'?

    who are you going to be spending your time with and in a relationship with and fuc*k*ing? him or your friends? just because he isn't right for THEM, doesn't mean he isn't right for YOU.

    don't ever let what other people think dictate what you do or how you live your life. at the end of the day, you are the one you have to face in the mirror, and as long as you are happy s***w everyone else, and anyone that doesn't like it. if you like the guy try to patch things up with him and go for it. one thing is for sure, if you don't you'll always wonder what if?.....

    but, look on the bright side, you'll still have your superficial preppy friends who will desert you as soon as you fall on hard times.....funny how that happens and then you find out who your friends really are.....the ones who don't care what others think.

  8. i think you should talk with your friend first!she may still have feelings for him besides why lose your friend for a guy who called you a w***e?as for him  either act like you dont care and dont reply to him again or face him!either way you should wonder what matters to you the most!Mary or him?

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