
Please answer this !!??

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so 2 guys like me but i don't know which to chose

#1 i met him 2 weeks ago and we started hanging out and holding my hand ... he is really cute and funny .. but he doesn't live where i live , he lives in France.

#2 i saw him in the mall n thought he was really cute and we kept seeing each other but never talk...he went and asked everyone about me and my email , he finally got it , and he liked me for 3 months , even waited for me to get done with my ex . he said he wanted to talk to me but didn't want to hurt my ex's feelings because they knew each other ...and he lives in the same city as i do ..

who shall i go for ?




  1. 2, because it would be very hard to have a relationship with someone living in a different country than you.

  2. 2 it seems like you know more about him... n he seems sweet...i hope yu figure it out...gud luck

  3. 2

  4. Neither, try a girl.

  5. Guy #2, the first one seems nice. But from experience, a long distance relationship NEVER works. Good luck. = ]

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