
Please answer this question about dirt bikes,,,need replys a.s.a.p?

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im going to buy a 250cc dirt bike 08 model

After reading about it im not sure if i wana get the honda 250cc 4 stroke.... yamaha 250cc 2 stroke ...yamaha 250cc 4 stroke or 250cc 2 stroke KTM.

i really like the power and sound of the 2 strokes,,,but i like the reliablilty of the four strokes and how u dont have to mix fuel etc

i like the KTM's cuz there mad,,,but i herd there more expensive for parts

which one in your opinion i shud buy???,,,my use for the bike will be riding through bush,,,,riding around race tracks,,and doing jumps and freestyle..pretty much mucking around wit mates on acreage.

which bike should i get peoplez???




  1. If your going to be doing jumps and freestyle you need the 2-stroke..4-strokes tend to die doing free style they are heavy..The 2-stroke is cheap to re-build..

    The 4-stroke you for the most part have less trouble with..When its time to re-build it though..the trouble comes from your wallet...spendy!!

    I would go Yamaha or Suzuki on the 2-stroke..

    Kawasaki on the 4-stroke..

  2. did you read the new issue of motocross madness cause it had an article about 250 two strokes vs 250Fs................................. If you wan't to play around and do FMX and go to the track but not race then the yz250 or ktm250  would be my choice because unless your racing because when your racing your gonna have to rebuild the engine more and on a four stroke its gonna cost more because the 4 stroke engine is more sophisticated I would get the yz250 just because i'm not rich but if you can afford it then I would get the KTM. their both pretty good but the KTMs last longer I would get the yz250 and save the money because I really don't need the best of the best to have fun.

  3. i have a honda crf250 which is a four stroke and i have had it for 3 years and only had to do the top end once. it starts ever time 1st or second kick. if you are gonna be just ridin around u are gonna want a four stroke... a two stroke you need to keep in the  higher rpm's or you will foul plugs. plus with a four stroke in the trails you have the power band all through out the rpm range the two stroke hits out of no where. two strokes are also smokey and u have to mix the gas. they are light weight but even all of the pros and at my local circuit are considering changing all the classes to four stroke classes because only a hand full of riders are still riding the two strokes. plus the 08 crf comes in special black edition  :) good luck and i hope that u find a bike that is right for you

  4. I would go with a 250 Bultaco Pursang

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