
Please answer this question honestly (the mature only please)?

by  |  earlier

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have you ever had intercourse with your spouse, etc. in his/her office or in your own office? Is this totally unacceptable or common?




  1. Does it have to be your own spouse?       Kidding.

  2. It's not acceptable.. and THAT's the thrill....

    If it was acceptable it would be like having it at your home...

    The thrill is being naughty and the chance that you might get caught...

    Yes.. It's probably very common..

  3. s*x isnt just ment for a bed and after so long it can get really boring on a bed. Its not unacceptable but exciting to try it somewhere different especially if there is a risk of getting caught.

    That guy below really is a prude...enjoy life with ur loved one and have some excitement and the office is the best..Especially cause every office has those reclining swival

  4. You can have s*x with with your spouse anywhere you please as long as you are private and considerate of others.

  5. Too many cameras everywhere these days.

  6. Call me a prude, but work is a place for working.

  7. What happens between two people is private, and between them.  Not to be shared with  others.  More fun to keep the details a secret, something nobody else will know.

  8. No, i never did, i wish i could though. We had s*x in both parents bed if that counts.

  9. Maybe you need to re-read up above:


    Your company could have security cameras installed in your office, and you would never know it.  You might have a coworker who has a web cam attached to their computer, and with everyone out of the office, that camera is aimed right at you and your spouse.

    If you work for the type of people who put miniature cameras up all over the place, then you also work for people who will fire you as soon as they see the video of your and spouse using their property for "recreational" activities.

    If you do it during work hours and someone walks in on you, you can expect some nasty repercussions.  And let's not forget that every year people get fired because they get caught in a compromising position during the company Christmas party.

    Bottom line:  Having s*x in your office or anywhere in the office building could cost you your job and might even damage your ability to get another job.  Get your thrills somewhere else - if you're old enough to have a job, you're old enough to understand self-control.

  10. since my office is right here in the house... Yes, and it's fabulous! lol

  11. Tricky question.

    If I was speaking as an employee (mid-level manager) I'd stay this is totally un-acceptable and could be very negative to your employment if caught.

    Speaking as an anonymous person on the street, I'd say if you felt the risk of getting found out was very very low, and it's something you and your spouse would find titillating, then go for it.

    It is probably more common than people think (if you replace spouse with "spouse, significant other, coworker, or person I'm dating")

  12. Oh man has it been tempting, but no...unfortunately we haven't.....totally unacceptable...well at the work place of course....workplace is still considered a public area, hence indecent exposure, p.d.a., all that.  Common i doubt it, but fun to do?  Why yes of course.

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