
Please answer this question. i really need help. i want to die. suicide has already been tried.?

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  1. Look up the "suicide hotline" or go to the "suicide forum" and read what happens to people who have failed attempts. This time next year you are going to have a whole new set of problems and the ones you have now will be a distant memory. It's not worth the damage it does to your family. Talk to anyone who will listen, see your doctor and get on the net and find help. It IS out there.Good luck.

  2. You know, I can't write my mind here, because yahoo will take it down. They've done this to some of my other answers. Said they were too negative or rather a breach of the terms and conditions of the site. What a crock.

    What I would tell you to do is to take some ****. Ah! Now what could that word be? Hmm. You'll have to insert something yourself.

    Really if you want to **** yourself I say ** *** **. After all, what's the point of ******* if it's too ****.Best not to ***. Just **** **.

    That was me editing what I would like to tell you. Guess what it is? :-)

    If you want someone to chat with honestly, fell free to email. Or not. I don't give a ****.

  3. girlfriend suicide is never the answer..........

  4. dont kill ur self!whatever it is it will sort out!!

  5. You need to talk to your parents.  Which one is closest to you?  Are you close to your siblings?  You need to talk to someone, ANYONE about this.

    You're only 14, you have so much life left to live, and suicide isn't the answer.  You could call a free helpline if there's no one you feel comfortable talking to.

  6. Dont do it!

  7. there must be someone you can talk to in your life? try calling lifeline, they can talk you through any problems, DO NOT DO ANYTHING! nothing is worth this, you are better than that, book an appointment with ur doctor, have a chat ok? you can tell them anything and they will help you!

  8. You are very depressed.  My brother committed suicide by cop last month in June.  I miss him very day.  There isn't a day goes by; I don't think of him.  My brother was 24 years old going on 25 on July 2nd.  I wish I knew how depressed he was, and I wish everyday I could have talked to him about what he was going through.  I wish I could have told him, "He will get through this and we can and will help."  The day we buried him, my nieces and my sisters were sobbing uncontrollably on their hands and knees on his grave.  It was very difficult for me, because I had to do the eulogy.  I'm still grieving and can not bare to think of losing another sibling.  Please, get help.  Talk to an aunt, uncle, siblings, even your parents.  Tell them how you feel.  Please get help!  Don't end your life.  I belive you will find peace and happiness on earth.

  9. 1-800-SUICIDE

    Please call this number!!!!!!!! ASAP

    It is the National Suicide Help Line.

    Email me if you want to.

  10. No! you're young and have ur whole life ahead of you! 4 get all the problems u have and think about all the good things about you or haow many people love you and would miss you if you died! I don't know u that much, but I'll miss you! Don't do it. this will pass!=) Cookie? *hands out plate*

  11. Hi. I'm very sorry to hear that you are this depressed and feel badly that you want to die.

    - I don't know what you've experienced in life to date that might have contributed to your situation

    - maybe your physical health is a factor

    - your age along with living arrangements

    - if you're single or married with added responsibilities

    - if you're a victim of abuse

    I've no doubt the seriousness of what you feel.

    If you have access to a phone safely and you are able to speak to someone in private, a couple of persons suggested you call a suicide hotline.

    Depending how critical your situation is, you might not have the energy nor time to make appointment with a doctor to be seen.

    Do you have someone in your life you can trust and in confidence, tell that person what is troubling you so?

    Do you have someone who loves you and might want to help if they were informed of how badly you feel? family or friend?

    1.  if you're very tired, rundown, suffering from insomnia, this is a powerful and vicious cycle that will lead to depression.

    2.  if you have clinical or major depression, this leads to fatigue also

    3.  if you have a virus or viral infection, this can contribute to fatigue

    If you think fatigue, maybe exhaustion is contributing then you can try:

    - melatonin (available in vitamin section of many stores) our bodies produce melatonin, a natural contributor to help us sleep.  Quite inexpensive, you can take tablets in 1mg form or 3mg.  It's not a sleeping pill, but it does work quickly under an hour

    - you might have sleep apnea, a condition that more persons have than realize it.  Over time, you get very tired because quality of sleep is so poor

    - if your diet isn't balanced, if you can afford, eat fruits, vegetables, we're in prime season for these and they might help you feel better soon

    - if someone is abusing you, physically, emotionally, you've got to get out of this relationship asap, before it worsens

    - if you have feelings of failure as a person, worker, mother, wife, I hope you're not surrounded by nagging, negativity, you must try to disassociate with negative environments

    - if you are Christian, then pray fervently and ask Jesus, His mother Mary, God our Father to help you with burdens you are carrying.

    - if you aren't taking medicines but might be diagnosed with depression, there a some meds that help with chemical imbalances of the brain, Wellbutrin XL, Effexor XL, might be a consideration (look up their benefits on

    I hope you have someone who loves you and if you do, they'd miss you permanently should you succeed with suicide, they'd be traumatized forever if they didn't know what troubled you so and they weren't given the chance to help you anyway they could.

    If you feel that you have noone, there are a few of us on this website that sincerely care about you eventhough we've never met.

    please try to keep your communication going and open with us

    I need to go to bed but I'll say a prayer for you and hope that the sun shines for you in various ways, animals are wonderful healers, so much to give us, company, comfort, laughter, energy and the best sleep companions!  If you don't have a pet and are allowed one, maybe a friend can let their pet come visit and stay awhile with you.

    If you've children and need a break, try to find someone who'll watch them for a few hours so you can try to sleep.  

    If you're too demanding on yourself, then drop a notch on your standards.  Leaving a little flexibility might give you some peace of mind.

    Bear hug and kisses over the internet from me and my 4 furry children, Sweet Pea, Foxie, Precious and JoeJoe.

    If you weren't tired enough to fall asleep, I bet you're getting sleepy after reading this loooooong answer.  Wish you some peaceful sleep hours.

  12. why do you want to die for, its not worth it

  13. I know loads of people are going to say this,

    It's stupid!!

    Seriously more people love you than you may well think

    Take it from someone who has already been there!

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