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Everyone has his/her own ambition since his/her young,but do you ever think that your ambition will become true?Some people has a very good ambition.......example like to be a doctor,lawyer,but he/she never study hard/try harder to get it




  1. I am a musician at heart, and have always wanted to be a famous singer and I play the cello. But now I am more realistic with age, I want to be come a nurse like my grandmother and cousins. I will study hard to achieve this goal. Where there is a will, there is a way!!!!

  2. the only way anything will come true for someone is if they work hard for it....

    a lot of peoplegive up because they realize their ambitions are hard to reach and they just want to get things over with

    people don't have a lot of faith in themselves anymore and thats why its affecting them so much....

    i personally think my ambitions will come true because i work hard for mines.

    i don't give up on anything until i get it or a reasonable answer. (literally).

  3. Ambition is a form of motivation, doesn't matter if it is ridiculous or ludicrous. People have once dreamt of flying into space, have they done it now? o_o

  4. my ambition is to be a powerfulpolitican but i know it never come true so i give up lah

  5. the sad fact of life is not everyone gets what they want but if hope and ambition are all you have then keep going strong you will always be more happy with goals and something to look towards.

  6. Well...., anything is possible as long as you keep your mind to it.

    All you need in order to lock your dream are:

    1. Determination

    2. Passionate about the subject that you love & want to make it your dream job.

    3. Hardwork

    4. Try as much as you can to gain as much info about an item as possible (example: photography - read a lot to know as much as possible about photography)

    5. There are lots more but these are the few important tips.

    Hope this helps!

  7. It's my life, it's now or never...

  8. it depends on u...

    if u really want 2 become what u want, u have to work hard for it..

  9. lets not break the ice since some still want to walk on

  10. I like to be an Ultraman when I was a kid but now I'm a Dark Joker...duh!!

  11. Life ain't what seems to be.

  12. i want to be a lawyer but i m too good heart for it :(

  13. if you want something badly enough then you'll get it. you need to work hard and be determined. don't lose heart. just keep trying and you'll get there in the end.

  14. I never dreamed to be an acountant becouse during my school days....i really don't have any ambition..i,m always day dreaming and sit at the back of the class. I want to be a teacher at first haha.. i hate math a lot.. i meant really hate it arrghh.. always got C or even fail math papers.

    Then things changed after i accidently take an accountancy course after right now i,m an accountant..yeah.and a couples of month onwards i've been offered a job as an assistant manager haha.. what a difference.. Alhamdulillah..blessings by Allah that change my life..

  15. i really really really want to be a superhero.

    but till now, i still try very very hard to practice how to fly...

  16. i always thinking to become a neurosurgeon.. but when i see medical book.. haish, ni bukan buku aku.. ni buku budak nerd!! GOD, its all about muscular tissue, arteries, vein, aorta, pulmonary, lymph, epinephrine, hypothalamus, fibula, spleen, gonads, femur, gastric juice, intestinal, capillary, clavicles, sternum, bicuspid valve, RBC, medulla oblongata, deoxyribonucleic acid, serum, lumbar,  tibia etc.. just to name some..

    PEACE =D

  17. my first ambition is teacher then  forensic then police then doctor then  doctor back...always changing...;-P.....but i never give up!!

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