
Please answer...... which countries are struggling for democracy?

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ok. which countries are struggling for democracy? and can u tell me about the struggle of one of those countries for democracy?? pleeeaaasseee




  1. The United States of America

  2. The U.S. is the only one I know that does even have a party about the group ??

    You could join,, if you just wanted to know what there was known to protect a main idea ?

  3. That depends on what you mean by struggling for democracy.  One would almost certainly have to say Iraq.  But many might say Iran, Zimbabwe, Russia...

    Some might say Cuba, but the country itself isn't really.  They do have a couple of fringe groups working for it, but not really the country as a whole.

    And actually, quite a few would put America in that list.

    Probably the easiest to find info on would be Iraq or Iran.

  4. I question whether Iraq is struggling for Democracy.  We want it to, but so far WE are struggling for Democracy for Iraq.   I believe this is wrong and will never work.  Whne people are hungry and scared and their living conditions are abominable, they will go for anything that improves their lives.  But taht doens't mean they really want it or will do what's necessary to keep it if they ever get comfortable again because they never had to think it out for themselves.  Never had to fight for it themselves.

    Our own country (USA) is a good example.  As we ahave become wealthier, we care less about Democracy as long as we can buy things and take vacations.  If the President curtails our rights, corrupts our votes, we are only mildly annoyed at most or don't care or even support those actions.  We are moving closer and closer to becoming an Autocracy (A nation ruled by an elite few)rather than a Democracy (A nation ruled by people or a government who represent the people's will).  

    Example of an Aotocratic government:  The vast majority of people do NOT support the Iraq war yet our President and our Congress continue to fund it.  The vast majority of people and the Supreme Court want to maintain Habeas Corpus - but our President and  our Congress negate Habeas Corpus.

    The last countries I have seen struggling for Demcracy have been in Latin America where they have fought long and hard to be free against tyranical governments (often who we have supported) at a cost of many many lives.  Palistine is fighting for Democracy but we fight against it because they elected people whe we don't like even though those people work hard for the Palistinian people who live under horrendous condtions.

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