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How much does history influence the evolution of government in a country?

Should the office of governor general be abolished?

Should Mp's be allowed to vote against the wishes or the majority of Canadains?




  1. History tremendously affects the government because people tend to follow what was previously established years back as laws, traditions and culture in molding the present governmental set-up.  

    The governor-general must be abolished since the Prime Minister must be the sole executive head of the country.  

    The MPs must vote according to the will of the people.

  2. MANY countries have a dual executive such as the President and Prime Minister of Germany, the Queen and Prime Minister of England.  These is an aspect of the parliamentary system that I don't completely understand but I know that it works in many parts of the world.  In fact it seems that all parliaments have a form of it.

    History has a tremendous impact on current and future politics and laws which is why you find some arcane laws in every government.  There just isn't sufficient grounds to take the time to get rid of them at this point and previously historical pressure to keep them.  (It's illegal to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant in Michigan for example.)

    And yes, our elected representatives sometimes MUST vote against the will of the people.  We elected to make the decisions based on what's best for the nation, not what the masses currently find in vogue.  It's also their job to explain to the people why they vote in such ways and convince the people they voted correctly.

    We supposedly choose these people for their wisdom and ability in such situations, not to follow the herd of people that constantly changes it's mind.  Polls change constantly.  A good leader bases his decisions on that wisdom and explains to the people why it was the right decision.

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