
Please answer1a light and heavy body have equal kinetic energy which has greater momentum and give reasion

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2a shell in its flight explodes into four equal parts which physical quantity is said to be conserved?




  1. Hey. Well at a subatomic scale it is impossible to measure  both the mass and velocity of a body as given by Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle. So it really depends.

  2. momentum = mv

    KE = 1/2 mv^2 = (momentum)^2/(2m)

    If the explosion was caused within the shell, total momentum must be conserved.

  3. Take a 2kg body which has kinetic energy = 16J

    Velocity must be = 4m/s

    Therefore momentum = 8 kgm/s

    Take 4kg mass with kinetic energy = 16J

    Velocity must be √8

    Momentum = 4*√8 = 11.3kgm/s

    Body with greater mass has greater momentum

    Total momentum is conc served.

  4. I don't think you can decide on momentum, could be either one, but let's try the math.

    If they have equal kinetic energy and different masses, then all you can say is that the lighter one has higher velocity and the heavier one has lower velocity.

    The math got me nowhere, lets try an example. masses of 1kg and 2kg

    KE = ½mV²

    ½mV² = ½mV²

    V1² = 2V2²

    V1/V2 = √2

    Ratio of velocities is √2 or 1.4

    V2 = V1(1/√2)

    Momentum is mV

    P1 = 1*V1

    P2 = 2*V2 = 2V1/√2 = V1√2

    So the heavier body has the higher momentum.


  5. momentum=massXvelocity

    so obviously the object having greater mass (heavy) will have gr8er momentum!!

  6. the momentum of a body is the product of its mass and its velocity (kinetic energy)

          p=mv,     m is the mass

                        v is the velocity

                        momentum is denoted by "p"

    we have two bodies, 1 and 2 with masses m1 and m2 and momentum p1 and p2 respectively traveling at same velocity, v            

    one body is heavier, therefore


    multiplying v on both sides,


    since m1v=p1 and m2v=p2


    hence the heavier body will have more momentum



  7. 1.Let mass and veocity of light body be m and v and that of heavy body be M and V respectively.

    Since they have equal kinetic energy,

                                          1/2mv^2 = 1/2MV^2

                                      =>mv^2 = MV^2

                                      =>(mv)^2/m = (MV)^2/M

                                      =>p^2/m = P^2/M  (p & P are the momentum of

                                      =>(p/P)^2 = m/M     light and heavy body resp-


                                      =>p/P = squareroot of m/M

    Thus momentum of heavier particle is greater.

    2.Here, momentum is said to be conserved because in the absence of any outside force momentum always remains constant and the shell explodes due to forces from its inside only.

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