
Please... any thoughts about this poem?

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There is a film festival in France...

Parading down a street with

banners and red carpets...

Underpassing the overpass...

Beneath awnings...

Through passageways...

Making the trip to the destination,

a bit more interesting...

a bit more dense...

& a bit harder to get to...

In a sense,

it becomes part of the destination...

In a sense,

you are there for IT...

In a sense,

it is your imagination...




  1. cool

  2. I see it as accounting for the internal and external observations with short accurate words to provide the description.

    I like the way the person is an observer of himself as an observer and of the circumstance, situatuion, and self-participation.

    It places me there at the Festival. I can see it through your eyes.

  3. I sense a little of hopelessness and longingness in this poem.

    I think someone needs a friend to talk with or to be with.

    Cheer up, Buddy!



  4. I really like it in an abstract way. It seems very in the moment, like real thoughts or ideas.

    I like stream of consciousness work in general though :)

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