
Please be serious when answering this, I need help urgently, its not your everday scenario.?

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I am a guy and I have been living with my Twin sister for about a year now, I moved into my own flat and she was living with a guy, when that fell through I let her live with me, we have always had a good relationship for bother and sister, I converted my flat into 2 bedsits so we both had our own room. One night we were in my room watching a movie and we both fell asleep, we then both woke up in the early hours and ended up having s*x, I don;t know why, it just happened we were not drunk or anything as we had not had anything to drink. Although the experience was extremely weird it was enjoyable. But since this incident neither of us have spoken to each other, I don;t know about her, but I am too scared to, I just don't know what to say. After we done it we led back and just suddenly realised what we just did and sprung out of the bed, she ran to her room, I got dressed and went out for a walk. But I am really starting to get worried about everything. As I said we have not spoken 1 word to each other since and I have noticed she is being sick alot, this happened about 1 month ago and she has been sick alot in the last 2 weeks, I am worried that she is pregnant. Is it possible? My head is spinning like h**l and don't know what to do, I cant go to professinals as I worry we will got into trouble as this is incest. Please help, what do you suggest I do?

Please be serious when answering this I need real advice on what to do.




  1. All of the other answers take this way too seriously.


    Seriously though, just get a pregnancy test, and move out. God, what a nightmare.

    On the other hand, as a straight guy, are you attracted to yourself? I find that a bit weirder than the whole incest thing. That you had s*x with someone who looks that much like you. Your female counterpart, in more ways than one.

    Check about the legality of what you've done, then see a psychiatrist.

  2. i have twins boy girl and you left me speechless that's ....

  3. Yes it is a hard situation but this is not a bf and gf thing this is your sister  we are talking about, so i would in one way see this as a benefit because she knows you better than anyone and the same with you..i know it must be hard but take into consideration 1: it could be nerves as she doesn't know what to do and her head is probably as bad as yours 2: we will look at the reality that there is a chance yes she could be pregnant but i will say are not making things any better by not talking to each other it has to be making things harder on both of you and it also is waisting time....look at it this way you both made a mistake as everyone does.. nobody is perfect.. but the good part about your situation is you both realised all most at once that is was a mistake so go from there but i would really advise to sit and talk and try do it sooner rather than later..

    all the best and keep a cool head, just talk it through

    best wishes x x

  4. Whoops...

  5. GET A PREGNANCY TEST NOW!! I know that things happen sometimes but this is serious. You are fraternal twins. Weird things happen sometimes but all you can do know is try to make sure that you guys do not attempt to bring a child into this world. There is a great chance that if she is pregnant, because you and her have almost the same genes, that the baby will be deformed. She might just be sick about the whole situation and not pregnant but you won't know until you check. You and her are brother and sister and you are going to have to talk sometime. The earlier you find out the better.  

  6. yes she can get pregnant you need to go to your doctor let her go on her own as then he would not do it was you who the father was. you need to talk about it tell her it happened and was a mistake. it wont go away if you dont talk about it you need to sort it out

    hope this helps :)


  7. It is completely obvious that you feel remorse about what happened so I will not say what so many have. I do agree that you should talk with her and have a pregnancy test. This was a complete accident and mistake, but if you don't talk about it and try to establish some sort of a relationship that will be a bigger mistake. You may have to get some form of counseling, just for peace of mind.

  8. My advice would be to talk to her about it, maybe leave an e-mail if you have to.  Could be she's scared and wants something more, who knows.  I hope things work out between you two.

    (And to those who said there's a great chance of something wrong with the baby, go take classes in genes again)

  9. Good idea above. Buy a pregnancy test for her. You don't want to offend her by straight up giving it to her. Leave a note in her room, just asking if shes ok (write what you feel) say you've heard her being sick & hope shes ok. Ask does she think she may be pregnant? Tell her if she doesn't want to come and speak to you (which you'd prefer) then she can leave you a written reply. hope it works out for you. If shes not pregnant you can forget if ever happened/never speak of it again.

  10. 1-Get to talk to her about the situation

    2-Get a pregnancy test to avoid a surprise

    3-Get solid counselling for yourself first

    4-Avoid being alone with her

  11. im sorry to hear this. but there is not much advice i can give than to talk to her. let her know that you are going through a lot too and ask her whether she is pregnant and comfort her and do not try to justify what hapened because it wont makes things better. please take care of yourself.  

  12. She really needs to find out if she is pregnant. If she is, then you guys have a lot of things to talk about. Lets hope that she is not. Good luck.

  13. You both need to sit down and talk about this, she is obviously just as scared as you so maybe you need to be the one to sit her down and talk things over, to your question of pregnancey that is certainly possible, but the sickness is equally possible just to be the emotional upset this has caused you both.  However if she is pregnent then you both need to speak about this so that you can both get on with your lives, i wish you both the best

  14. Firstly what you did was wrong, you both know it and you must make sure it doesn't happen again.

    Then she must go and get a pregnancy test to determine whether or not she is pregnant.  If she is the likelihood is that the child will be deformed in some way.  Therefore she will need to have a termination. She really hasn't got a lot of choice in the matter.  She cannot keep the child as all sorts of blood tests will be taken regarding paternity and general medical records will record the fact that you are the father.  She doesn't have to tell the hospital that you are the father if she is getting an abortion.  All she needs to say is that the child is unwanted.

    You must not do this again.  She is your twin sister.  It is immoral and illegal.  You are both in the wrong.

    Good Luck

  15. go to a confession in church, they cant tell anybody, and even though i dont really agree with church or the bible and stuff it doesnt change the fact that they can really help people maby they will have some answers for you

  16. OK, you must remember that you are brother & sister. You're always going to have that bond. Next, who decided not to talk to the other? Was it you? From the sound of it, I think maybe it was. When you have some quiet time, such as watching TV or whatever, talk to her. Tell her that you've noticed that she's been sick and you are very worried about her. Ask her what's wrong. Let the conversation develop from there. Above all, do not accuse her of any wrongdoing and don't get defensive either. I know it sounds ridiculous but it works. Keep your cool and talk things out, don't run but, don't be overbearing either. You might find out that she's not all that angry at you. Once you have sorted out the problems, I tend to agree with the other posters, ask her to go see her doctor ASAP. She may just have a stomach bug (virus), you don't know for sure. I've have a very close, relationship with my sister too and we've lived together for many years. Things happen and you'll get mad at each other from time to time, but the key is to keep up the communication and patience. We're not twins but it's a similar situation. No matter what happens, we'll always love each other and be there when no one else can.

  17. She's probably just as scared as you are. Your going gonna have to force yourselves to talk to each other and sort everything out.

  18. you need to talk it out.

    you both are probably equally freaked out. talk it over and probably decide to not do it again.....

  19. you need to get a pregnancy test as soon as possible to see if she is pregnant  i think that you both need to talk to someone maybe your general practitioner as anything you tell them is in strictest confidence and also they will not judge you and put you in touch with the right people try not to worry  just sort this out !

  20. You have a special bond as twins, and you mistook the closeness for something else and made a bad choice.

    I don't know if thing can be the same between you again, but you have to try.

    Talk to her please, and if she did turn out to be pregnant, well there are things you can do about that if you don't leave it too long. x

    I'm a twin and i regrettably don't talk to my twin sister anymore.  

  21. First off you do not need counseling.  What you need to understand is that Adam and Eve had two sons and one of them had children so who could they have  had children with.  There was something that drew the two of to gather for s*x.  It was weird but you enjoy it.  Don't let your sister go with out talking about it.  The chances of both of you wanting to have s*x again is around 95%.  Talk to each other don't let it become a bad blood situation between the both of you remember you both wanted and you both did it.  If she is pregnant discuss what want to do about it between your self not on here to many whackos on here.   Be happy

  22. Talk to each other. If you don't know how to start-print your question and leave on her bdrm door. Seeking professional help will not get you into trouble. Family counseling is in phonebook/on internet.

    Sounds like you've been there for each other's the time to help each other again.

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