
Please can any one explain how to do these???

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1. Isotopes of a given element have many different properties, such as mass, but the same chemical properties. Why is this?

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2. What is the binding energy per nucleon of Au-197 (atomic mass = 3.2696 x 10-25kg)?

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3. If there are 128 neutrons in Pb-210, how many neutrons are found in the nucleus of Pb-206?

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4. The beta emission process results in the daughter nucleus differing in what manner from the parent?

A. atomic mass increases by one

B. atomic mass decreases by two

C. atomic number increases by one

D. atomic number decreases by two.

5. The alpha emission process results in the daughter nucleus differing in what manner from the parent?

A. atomic mass increases by one

B. atomic mass decreases by two

C. atomic number increases by one

D. atomic number decreases by two.

6. Of the main types of radiation emitted from naturally radioactive isotopes, which is the most penetrating?

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7. When bismuth-214 emits a positron, the remaining daughter nucleus is which of the following?

A. lead-214

B. actinium-215

C. polonium-214

D. bismuth-215

8. What is the isotope formed when 232 90 Th undergoes alpha decay?

A. 42He

B. 22888Ra

C. 23086Rn

D. 24He




  1. 4.c 5.d

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