
Please can i have some help explaining a few quotes in chapter 14 of the hound of the baskervilles?

by  |  earlier

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the first quote is : " rigid, fixed stare and his lips parted in amazement"

the second quote is: " there was a thin, crosp, continuous patter from somewhere in the heart of that crawling bank. "

the third quote is : "ill-omened moor "

the fourth quote is : " the stars shone cold and bright, while a half-moon bathed the whole scene in a soft, uncertain light "

please can you explain about these quotes and how it makes the moor seem fearful and the effect that it has on the audience

explain in as much detail as you can

any contribution will be helpful

please reply soon




  1. Mwa ha ha ... i love this Sherlock Holmes story ....

    let me get my copy

    In chapter 14, the dog or hound that has terrified locals for generations is about to apear for the first time.

    "there was a thin, crisp, continuous patter from somewhere in the heart of that crawling bank (of fog)"

    The fog was something Holmes said could destroy his carefully laid plans. They had to retreat from the fog, only to hear something about to emerge from less than 50 yards away.

    "(Holmes eyes ... stared forward in a) rigid, fixed stare and his lips parted in amazement"

    Watson looked to Holmes to have all the answers. But here, Sherlock shows fear. The Dreaded Hound of the Baskerville is coming at them.

    "ill-omened moor"

    I couldn't find that in Chap 13, but the moor is introduced to us as sucking ponies to their death as quicksand would. The curse of the Hound is focused on the moor, and the howling at night only makes it more "ill-omened"

    couldn't find the last quote either

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