
Please can someone help me? I need some advice . . ?

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I am a very bad situation right now.

I do swimming as a full time sport, i do it 7 times a week for an hour and a half, and i am only the sixth best in the state, and i have been training for two years.

I just went to highschool and had to compete for my school in the state crosscountry, and i came 2nd. I am the second best runner in the state, and im going to run for W.A at Nationals. Last year in Nationals i came 3rd , with NO running training!

I have never in my life ever trainined for running.

People say im doing the wrong sport . . . and if i trained for running i would be un stoppable.

Please can you help me diecide, what should i do!

I realy need some nice advice

Thankyou in advance




  1. I had a similar decision to make at one time. Basketball was the sport I enjoyed the most, but track could take me further in life. I chose track and don't regret it.

    Ultimately you have to decide what you want out of each sport. If you're as good as you say in cross-country, you can get a free ride through college running somewhere. You might love swimming, but where is it going to take you? I wouldn't do XC just because I was good, I'd have to at least like it to discard my other sport..

    In the end, only you can decide.

  2. GO for it ... You can always go back to swimming but running you should still try while you are young

    Good luck in whatever you decide!!!  GO GIRL!!!

    Run Forrest run!!!! and if I was going somewhere I was running!

  3. i think its best if u make that decision yourself


  4. What do you think will help you later?

    i have to choose between my 2 greatest sports that i had to fly 2 californa to compete and i had to give it up

    do what you know feels right

    plz answr;...

  5. maybe you are doing the wrong sport some sports arent for evrybody

  6. That is simple, do the one that you enjoy the most.  Everything  is not necessarily about winning.

  7. do what u think do what U wanna do

  8. Well the problem is, if you want to achieve high in swimming, you only have until your late teens/early 20s to get there.

    Running, you could reach National/World standard anywhere from now to you're mid 30s.

    So look at your priorities. Maybe set yourself a goal to be Nationally recognised in swimming by 20. If you get (or are getting) no where, work on your running.

    EDIT: I just want to add, that the reason you could've performed so well at the running is actually through swimming. I've you are swimming laps consantly for an hour or more, you are working on your cardiovascular endurance. This helps out a h**l of a lot with XC running. So if you decided to take running up, don't cut out swimming completely.

  9. The one that you really love is probably what you will do the best in.  When your heart in in something it gives you more power to do your best.  This is my thinking!  So what do you feel and what do you think.  It has to be your choice.. I know that you will choose right.  Good Luck & God Bless!

  10. What was your time and the distance? You could do two sports competitively. I do both Hockey and Running. I do both of these vary competitively. What you might discover over time is that being a better runner may help you be a better swimmer and being a faster swimmer may help you be a better runner.

  11. Thats not something anyone can answer and I dont know why you are asking random ppl online about it. But I know you might have heard this millions of times but listening to what your heart tells you will make your life turn out the way you want it.

  12. Just do the sport you love doing the most. Personaly if i was you i would choose cross country beacuse your good at it and if you trained you would be even better. I find swimming becomes a bit boring swimming up a down the black line not being able to talk to anyone, were as running you can go any time anywhere and train with friends you can talk to why you train, making it a far better choice.

    This is just my opinion, its your choice.

  13. Go for running. Like someone else said, you can always go back to swimming. Running can get you to feel so good, and when endorphins are released you almost feel high

    Try running, try it for a month, see how you like it =)

  14. Hi,

    As already said, you need to follow your heart.

    It realy dosnt matter about winning or loosing.

    What sport do you enjoy more? What sport would you want to be doing the most when you are older? If you realy love swimming more then running, then by gosh! you go for it girl, just do what you belive is right for you.

    Nobody can tell you the answere to that.

    Hope i helped lol :P from a freind

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