
Please can someone try and answer this for me?

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My last period was on the 17th July and ovulation kit said i was ovulating on the 28th July ( so that's 12 days from last period) Dose that mean i am going to come on 12 days after that. ( the 9th of August) plz can some help.




  1. if you have a 28 day cycle then you willhave a period 14 days after ovulation basically you ovulate 14 days before your next period example a 31 day cycle will ovultate at day 17,a 30 day cycle will ovulate at day 16basically all 14 days before your next period.

  2. Yes, there or thereabouts

  3. Your question doesn't really make sense, what do you mean, going to come on 12 days after that? You should go to or to learn more about your cycles.


  5. hi there it depends what ur normal menstrual cycle is are u regular? ru every 28 days or 30 or 31 as everyone is different! the best way to check out when u ovulate is keep a record of when u get ur period every month count the first day as day 1 easy enough and keep going with day 2 day 3 for everyday u bleed put a circle round it when u stop bleeding still put the days down for each day just dont circle it that way u will know exactly when u started bleeding with the circled days and exactly when u stopped bleeding the day u stopped putting the circles round the days! do that until u start bleeding again and this is day 1 first day of period again continue this pattern for 2-3 months this will tell u what menstrual cycle ur 28days for next period 31 dasy for period to find out when u ovulate dont waste cash on a kit have s*x from day 10 to day 13 14 and u will be smack bang into either a 28 day or 31 day menstrual cycle this is when u ovulate so if u cover around 4-5 days you will more than likely fall pregnant hope I explained this easily enough for you to follow Gilly x

  6. no it changes every time. some times it can come 5 days after your period. that's why it is good to always check with the ovulation test.

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