
Please can u tell me classroom tecniques for nursery children?

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please can u tell me classroom tecniques for nursery children




  1. You should revise this question.

    Are you asking for ideas to keep kids busy?

    Ideas on health of nursery children?

    Ideas on educating kids?

    Ideas on starting a nursery?

    WHAT techniques do you mean?  What AGES are these kids?  Babies are very different from toddlers.

  2. I am guessing that you mean management of behaviour - techniques - strategies?

    Children need and respond well to positive behaviour.  It makes them feel valued, boosts confidence, self esteem and self worth.

    Look at your setting's behaviour policy to determine the frameworks for behaviour.

    Physical punishment is not necessary, acceptable or effective.

    Respond to unwanted behaviour - possible sanctions appropriate for varying situations:

    Changes to the routine

    Modifying behaviour

    Time with an adult

    Play tutoring

    Time out

    Removal of privilege


    Use the ABC method:

    The A-B-C of behaviour

    Antecedent - What happens or leads up to the observed behaviour

    Behaviour - the observed behaviour - what the child says and how s/he acts (this is any behaviour, both positive and negative)

    Consequence - What happens following the behaviour

    Offer praise and rewards for positive behaviour because praising & rewarding children reinforces behaviour that we want to be repeated.

    There are sources of specialist advice and guidance on managing persistent unwanted behaviour - report any persistent problems with unwanted behaviour promptly and accurately to parents, colleagues and other specialists as appropriate but remember to maintain confidentiality whenever you discuss a child's behaviour.

    Some children with special needs may display negative & unwanted behaviour therefore it is important to recognise and understand this. (hyperactive children, autism, aspergers, ADHD, dyspraxia).

    Helping children to learn to show behaviour that is accepted by society is an important role of the child care worker/teacher, etc.

    Hope this is the sort of thing you are looking for.

  3. shadowing...



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