
Please!!! can you help me with this quote?? I don't understand it?

by  |  earlier

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" You can encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated"




  1. It basically means, don't give up.

    Even when you fail, don't let it get you down.

    If at first you don't suceed, try try again!    :)

  2. you can try many things and fail many times but you should never give up.

  3. It goes along with the quote, "You may have lost the battle, but you have not lost the war." Many times in life you will not succeed at one thing (this is your first "defeat"), this doesn't mean that you are a failure in general ("defeated"). You are only defeated when you give up on trying at anything.

  4. No matter how many times you fail, you must get back up and try again.

    Do not be defeated by failure.

    Because there is always another chance to do it right.

  5. What don't you understand?  You can come across many disappointments, losses etc. but your attitude should not revert to being defeatist.

  6. you may lose, but don't let it consume all your emotion, or don't let it bother you, just move on.

  7. Don't let "losing" get you down. Keep trying over and over.

  8. That means that in life, you will suffer many disappointments, things that don't work out. Losses, etc. But don't let those losses and disappointments totally get you down forever, keep trying. It's like saying "don't let the little stuff get you down"

  9. Don't see temporary setbacks as great losses.

    See them as stepping stones towards success.

  10. If at first you fail, give up

  11. This quote means that you can be defeated by failures when you get them, or you can continue (working, staying motivated, happy, staying Focused) toward other goals and dreams.

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