
Please can you help with my weight, i'm 11stone and AGED 14!?

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If i eat about 500 calories (fruit for breakfast and dinner- and 300 cals for tea) how much shouls i lose in about 2weeks.

i am 5ft 4inches, im 14 and 11stone, i work out 2-3 times a week (only slightly)




  1. it dosnt matter how heavy you are, its your fat percentage (you seem to be quite fit to me)

  2. you should probably put up pounds...

    there are 14 pounds in one stone lol

    so you're...154 lbs i think.. lol

    i think you should eat at least 1200 calories a day or else your body goes into "famine mode" and stores fat and water or something like that..

  3. drink green tea before you work out because it speeds up your metabloism?

    if you crash diet you will lose weight fast but trust me you will put back on twice as much!

    i would suggest you eat 5 small meals a day with 3 hours between each! and drinks lots of water in between!

    the best way is to drink water with apple cidar vinegar inside it but it is really digusting .. i cant do it! this is a good video?

    maybe you could join a dance class or somethign!

    good luck


  4. Sounds like your a strong bodied girl. eating like that , you must be hungry. Those little secret snacks? your body knows about them even if noone else does! Not being cruel love.

    Eat healthily. Don't let your self get hungry. Take in lots of fibre and water.

    See exercise a way to keep your organs healthy, not for loosing weight. You'll enjoy it more. Remember exercise builds muscle, which is heavier than fat, so in the first instance the scales will read higher. but keep it up the weight will show in inches.

    Beauty begins on the inside. A good diet and exercise will improve your skin and hair.And the way you see yourself. Wear nice clothes and pamper your self. Enhance your best assets.

    Your only 14. There's still a lot of changes to go through. Be happy. You will blossom into a beautiful woman.

  5. this wont make you loose wait, you will only get bigger first because your taking no fat in and your body needs fat, so it uses the fat it stores underneath and it shouldnt. You need to eat healthier meals and snacks like porridge for breakfast maybe a sandwhich on brown bread for lunch and salads or things like that for tea. And do excersize like the gym go to for a bike ride or a jog or take up a sport. This will help you achieve weight lose.

  6. i don't think a diet will work because once u stop u'll probly gain it again or else u'll become obsessed with losing weight just do proper exercise and eat healthier, no need to starve yourself  

  7. You are never 141. You don't look a day over 11 stone.

  8. hey im 14 and im 11 stones, but considering that i come from a family of large bodies lol

    i tried that, doesnt work when i asked my GP she said that the body will think that its on starvation and it will hold all the fat it can, so i suggest exercise, i know i swear but it does worth it i promise, i just learnt to ride a bike, it was a bit embarrising but i feel happier than before, i ride my bike for an hour a day and with balanced diet i lost 4 kilos in 3 weeks, i eat everything because then the body wont feel starved to keep any fat, AND BY RIDING THE BIKE I SHEAD THE REST

    good luck

  9. that quite a bit...

    you're aboue 15lbs overweight.

    workout more, don't drink tea

    it depends on your genetic disposition and what type of workouts you're doing.

    cardio for sure to lose fat, ride your bike, run, play basketball soccer (football i guess you call it) just get out and be active before school starts and you're more busy.

    find a buddy to workout with.

    don't slack on your eating either!

  10. you're perfect


    Don't worry, the world of weight isn't out to get you  

  11. That does sound a bit pudgy. Are you sure that you haven't forgotten all those little snackettes that you eat between meals?

    You couldn't survive on 500 cals a day.

  12. Hi

    you are better off getting advice from your doctor who will refere you to a dietition this way you will get the help you need and the accurate advice rather than from the idiots on here.

    Alot of gyms also cator for children why dont you go along to your local one and see what exercises they can give you, you need to be eating at least 2000 calories at your age because you are still growing, you will do your body damage if you dont eat properly.


  13. You shouldnt cut down on the calories like that. If you lose any weight it will only be temporary since you'll have to start eating properly again.

    Try doing exercise 4-5 times a week about 30 minutes each time, dont ccut out everything from your diet and eat only fruits - just cut down on the junk and sugar. If you cut down your calories like that you will force your body to think that you are starving yourself therefore more fat will be kept on to.

  14. Welll you should lose quite a bit of weght because that is well below the recommened calorie intake for someone like you

  15. If you eat healthy and exercise often then it should go quickly. Im 14 and 9 and a half stone :)

    Good Luck :)

    Please answer mine :)

  16. what is 11 stone? sorry, but I have no clue...hope someone answers THAT! lol

  17. A liquid diet is appropriate. Along with water do yoga. Yoga is very soothing and helps digest food with the help of water.Drink one glass of water before every meal. Make it feel obligatory. Then, not only will you loose wait, you will also higher your self esteem.


    All you have to do is eat in portions. For instance: Have a apple in the morning, then an hour later have cereal. - so on so forth. All day long, after every hour, eat. then the food has time to digest. You will feel a lot better.

    Oh ya, if your not up for yoga, then excersize. buy a disk like: Walk Away The Pounds. (Or some workout disk). Good Luck.

  18. If you only have 500 cal a day, continue to exercise regularly, and don't take any vitamin supplements, you may starve to death within a month.  

    Try sticking to fruits, salads, and a small amount of meat.  Trust me, if you don't eat a *balanced* diet, as well as a small one, you won't lose weight nearly as quickly, and your health will suffer.  Just make sure to avoid energy drinks, sodas, sweets, and sports drinks (like Gatorade) like the plague.  These things have huge amounts of calories, and very little nutritional value.

    Also, we non-Brits don't know how much 11 stone is.  Pounds or kg, please. :)

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