
Please can you tell me which movie this is?

by Guest65644  |  earlier

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ok, i saw abit of this film when i was a kid, but i had to turn the channel quick when my dad came in my room because i wasnt allowed to watch scary films at night, but anyway.... this is all i remember!

near the start... a man is on a bus with lots of people and all the ppl on the bus are weird... and scary. the bus stops at some weird place... and every1 gets off... all of the ppl in the bus beat up some guy... and take out a monster/creature from his body. and chase after the guy in the bus (who didnt know any1 there).

the next part i remember is that... a woman (i think she was a police detective and she was pregnant) found that man in a village. and he was in pain. that thing/creature kept moving around in his body. and all the scary people pretended to be his friends/relatives... soon after they take the creature out of the mans body, and put it in that womans body... the woman says that she is pregnant, but the people tell her that the creature will kill her baby.

out of the scary ppl, the main person was a big fat woman. thats all i remember... can any1 plz tell me what this movie is called??? please!!! i really wanna watch it, now that im old enuff to see gory movies! i saw it like 7or 8 years ago. maybe that helps... it was on tv.




  1. i don't really know what the movie is that your going on about but it might be the movie called 'the thing', however if it isn't then just go on a movie website like hmv and search horror or monster movies.

  2. Ok that wasn't a movie!  It's actually an episode of the X-Files called Roadrunners ♥

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