
Please choose a mate out of these choices.............?

by Guest63693  |  earlier

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i know that looks are only skin deep, you cant tell much if anything about someone just by looking at them.......etc. etc.

but i want you to pick the guy out of these 3 that you would most likely say "yes" to if he approached you and asked you out on a date. for the sake of the game, lets say all 3 of them approached you in a cool, confident, but a bit nice and laid back. in other words, they were on top of their game. which one would you say yes to? or maybe none or some or all?

kindly support your answers with detailed reasons. i am very bored and want to read all your answers.

guy 1:

guy 2:

guy 3:




  1. Guy number 3 if I had to choose from only the ones listed.  I like muscle, when it is usable - not the massive body builder type. The other guys looked like pretty boys. Not real 'Men'.  I guess I like testosterone in my guys. I am a tom girl myself and I want someone tougher than me.

  2. okay I am approaching this from a cougar point of view ...

    Number one.  Ya I'd date him in a heart beat.  He looks mature enough to carry on an adult conversation..and do what I need in bed.  

    Number two.  No I am sorry that one just looks too young.

    Number three.  Okay ya I would take him.  He is mature enough and definitely bed material.  I could think of all kinds of entertaining things for this one.  PURRRRR.   I could have him whimpering and calling out for his momma for sure!

  3. Number 2. He is the youngest looking and his eyes are gorgeous. He has a great facial expression. The first one has a "g*y:" look. And the last one is old and way too intimidating and big

  4. The middle guy. The first guy looks desperate, and is Hispanic. The last guy looks insane, and like he's liable to be both an idiot and a wife beater. :-/ Middle guy looks like he might be a little too in love with himself but if I HAD to choose... There you go. Cheers!

  5. I guess I'd have to say yes to guy number two.  Actually it was a pretty easy choice.  Guy number two is the spitting image of my High School boyfriend (gads...over 20 years ago!).

    Of course being happily married, II really couldn't go out with any of them.  Still, "for the sake of the game" I played along.


  6. None of those do it for me. Hmmm, but what do you look like?

  7. The first two look WAY too young.

  8. The second guy. He looks nice and skinny. But I still wouldn't say yes to him. I just wouldn't laugh in his face.

  9. None.

  10. No 1 but lets get rid of the odd hair under his lip. I get it guys you are all jealous us girls can princk and preen are selves in soo many ways but don't stick a piece of black fluff on your face for lack of creativity. Tis just silly. I love latino men though!

  11. Chuck Liddell he'd probably kill me if I said no.  Darn my irresistibility! :-)

  12. I would go out with all three of them.  I can't really go into details about why....but we'll just say it's been a while.

  13. I am not single so in reality none.. however if I were single... lets see.

    Guy 1... Hmmmm no not my type...Its probably the eye brows and the button up shirt...

    Guy 2....Not my type and he looks too young

    Guy 3... Not into him either....

    This is my idea of a man...

  14. Guy 1 no way because he looks too old maybe I don't know just not my type

    Guy 2 heeeelllll yes oh he's so s**y I hope he's not g*y oooohhhhh sooo hot. Oh all that wonderful pale skin and wonderful beautiful features how could I not say yes LOL.

    Guy 3 AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! what is he on, he would hurt me and not even realize it NOOOOOOOO!!! So not my type he scares me *tremble tremble* *whimper whimper*

  15. I would choose number 3.  Out of the three of them, he is the closest to my physical ideal of a man.

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