
Please choose only one word to describe McCain's latest move?

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Panic or pander.

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  1. Unwise

  2. Palinlicious.

  3. Traitorous.

  4. interesting...

  5. SAVVY!!

    It's a brilliant move on McCain's part - something Obama should have done. McCain selected someone who is not part of the 'beltway bandits' club". He chose an 'outsider' who is not beholden to lobbyists, special interest groups or corporations.   -RKO-   08/30/08

  6. In Poker it's called "All-In"

  7. ballz-2-the-wall

  8. Disaster

  9. game-changing!

  10. -Fabulous-

  11. Genius!!   ***

  12. Pathetic.

  13. Genius.

    This thread demonstrates the genius of the Palin pick. Every liberal argument against her applies doubly to Obama! Plus the misogyny from the left is astounding for the "party of women". This is hilarious.

    What the left is in such an absolute panic about is that Palin is authentic. A person of actual accomplishment. She makes Obama and Biden look starkly as what they are, creatures of politics who never held a real job in their lives. LOL, Biden has been a US senator since he was 29! Obama has been a do nothing politician since college.

    I just hope she is strong enough to take the hate and bile the liberals will heap on her.


  15. Boutdamntimesomeonefiguredoutthattherule... - havechangedit'snotaferrerorepeat

  16. Suicide

    Thanks, McPain, for even MORE insurance that Obama will win.

  17. Clever.

  18. Winner

  19. Ballsy.

  20. Desperation

  21. Losthismarbles

  22. Genius!

  23. Hilarious!

  24. Senile (but horny)

  25. Brilliant.

  26. panic

  27. Historic

  28. pander

  29. Brilliant

  30. Spectacular, I don't like either choice.

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