
Please christians answers only! IMPORTANT!?

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Hello fellow christians. For the last eight months i have been praying, last three for purifying and 1 month for miracle that i really know that my Lord and God has not left me behind. Nothing has happened, I don't notice, I cant see, hear, nothing in dreams.

When i am in my basement (sometimes i need to go, then when i think about light power of God then i fear a little in the basement, but i tested that when i started to thing about "THE Black" dark power, my fear vanished and, like strange laugh over the dark came out from within myself, I have prayed my Lord to purify me with holy spirit, him to come to my heart and prayed and said that i totally believe in him.

Is there a some kind of BIG DEMON within myself or WHAT!

I pray desperately a lot for my Guardian angels to help me.

In one dream I saw a which and asked a help from her (in dream i could not control myself) and dream translator translated it as false faith false belief! Help me now, all other questions have not worked!

God Bless You and Thank You




  1. Oh please. No God, Jesus or demons. Please move on with your life...

  2. It sounds to me like you need to slow down and learn to relax.

    When was the last time you went out and enjoyed yourself with friends?

    Have you got a girlfriend, if not why not?

    All addictions are bad, you must learn more self control, desire is the root of all evil. This does not necessarily mean you have demons around you, so do not worry on that score.

    'If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is couching at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.'

    Genesis: 4.7.

    Understand the meaning here.

    God bless.

  3. I'd see a doctor if I were you

  4. Christians cannot be possessed by demons, you may be oppressed, but if you have truly received Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior you could not be possessed, but by His Holy Spirit alone.

    We all have a sin nature, it desires things of the flesh, there will always be a battle, we are to draw close to God, resist the devil, and the devil will leave us.

    You should seek counsel, you sound confused, guilt ridden, and condemned. In Christ none of this would be. Satan is the author of confusion, he harasses us with thoughts of desire, guilt and condemnation.

    If you never have you need to pray for the Lord Jesus to come into your life. Confess your sin, repent and follow Him. Find someone who can mentor you in the ways of the Lord, pray, read and study your bible, praise God, trust Him, draw close to Him, surrender Your will to The one True God. He will deliver You.

  5. Read Daniel 10 verse 12-13 this will explain why prayers are not answered instantly.Do not give up on God He has never left you.

  6. I'm a Christian.  That's nuts.  Maybe it's time for you to let go a little.  Step back.  Take a good look at yourself, read the Bible, and instead of thinking that God hasn't answered you, assume that He already has, and you just haven't heard the answer yet.  You're making yourself crazy because you're so desperate to hear from Him.  Next time you pray, thank Him for answering you, even if you haven't heard an answer yet.  This would be a good time to give thanks in faith.  Maybe that's your answer.

    And masturbation is not a sin, per se, but you're allowing your body to master you, instead being the master over your body.  You CAN control yourself.  Trust me.  If it's images in your mind causing you to have the urge to m********e, try thinking of something else.  Read Scripture.  Pray.  Concentrate on not giving in.  If it's images on TV, in movies, or on the internet giving you trouble, avoid them.

    It really is as simple as that.

  7. if you seriously believe that demons are in your house tempting you with things u feel u will give in try anointing your house here is a step by step and God does condone anointing proof of this is in Christ's very name in the Greek it is Christos translated it means the anointed one

    1 take a mall amount of 100% pure virgin olive oil

    2 ask God's blessing on it with sincere prayer, for the purpose of anointing place your finger in the oil and touch each and every door post in your house saying in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be gone all that is evil from this house and do not reenter even as a piggy back on another whom might enter here

    also if u feel this is within you do the same to your forehead and feet

    now all that being said 1 do not pray to God to forgive the exact same sinful act twice you tell God that His Sons blood wasn't good enough to wash away your sins and you are in essence crucifying Christ twice bad thing to do repent of the sin and pray for strength to not do it again and when u get that little "voice" in your head saying i know this is wrong believe that is the Holy spirit giving the strength u asked for

    man get over it God wants can-do type of people He il give u many things but nly salvation is 100% free the rest He expects some work on your part

  8. There are a lot of false teachings about Christianity and that is the reason for your current crisis. You know what Jesus told you to do? He has asked to keep the commandments of God to attain salvation. I hope you very well know what 10 commandments are. In our everyday life, we can not live 100% pure life as we define, since we are human beings. If we wish to do so, we will have to withdraw totally from all our day to day activities and go to some mountain to stay the rest of our life in loneliness. Better than us, God understands our problems. God wants us to be kind and loving. If you possess these two qualities, you will not sin and anything you do will not be sinful. Masturbation is not a sin. But getting addicted to anything can make you weak. So have some control in everything. If you love God, God will surely not let you commit any grave sins. He will keep you from that. Just pray to God to not to let you do anything that displeases him. If you pray so, and if you find yourself doing something that you consider against the will of God, understand that it may not be displeasing to him. God knows our weaknesses and he does not want us to struggle with ourselves. But, we must surrender our will to him and always pray to him for not letting anything to happen in your life that is displeasing to him.

  9. You are obviously possessed by something, so you are on the right track.

  10. Here is where Christianity, the mass delusion, gets practically damaging.

    There are no devils. There are no proofs of ones just like there is no proof of any other invisible creatures that we can't detect.

    Read other religious books. And I mean, as many as possible. Than you might start realizing that they are all the same.

  11. God loves you and wants you to come to him. Just say God I know I did wrong please forgive me I want to be with you forever and I want you to live with me every day as I walk this road of life and he will. Be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost then you will be getting what you are wanting. Believe and you shall be saved.  

  12. This is what happens when you repress yourself..  For example, look at Ted Haggard..  The guy obviously likes to have homosexual relations, but he repressed that urge until finaly it manifested itself  over and over again in his imagination to the point where he went to a prostitute to fulfil his desires.

    Ease back a little, don't try to be perfect or you will drive yourself nuts.

  13. The answer to all of you questions is that you must check to see if you have truly heard the gospel and believed. You seem to be very confused.

    the gospel is very simple,1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    The only "power" you should rely on is Christ and his sacrifice for your sin. If you are truly saved you can not be possessed  by a demon.

  14. Relax. You are the miracle.

    The bible records God talking to men revealing Himself. So try reading the book.

    There is no "big demon", but only doubt.

    The messengers of God are always with us, we just need to listen to them.

    Pray for God's grace.

  15. This is hard time you start asking non-christians.

    No offence.

    Miracles are rare and not day to day affairs. Use your brain, get more knowledge about other religion and try to uderstand what exactly God' wants from human.

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