
Please comment on my 'pointless' poem?

by  |  earlier

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Then I said bow, life

To the emptiness and strife

To the meaningless of death

Randomness of wealth

Then all but one had knelt

Did not go about as said

Alone in the village mine

Walked and left the many dime

Went to search for something grand

Meaning in the yellow sand

Fell as prey, he would then pray

Until his end of day

Now they come and praise his name

As they stand atop the sewer main

Where in his little bits of flesh

Do get eaten by the rats




  1. I really do like it. It is pointless, but something about it just draws me in.  

  2. I like the first line best. Guess I still need a point to a poem.

  3.    Deeply strange....for some reason I like that.

  4. *claps*

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