
Please compare/contrast singapore and phillipines..(esp in economic terms, esp marikina)

by Guest45339  |  earlier

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im writing an article and i came across this bizaare aspiration of Marikina feeling like a little "singapore" so i need information and ideas and facts and figures




  1. how do you compare a city to a city-State in economic terms to begin with? you can't.

    most of what Marikina produces is consumed domestically (i don't think the Philippines will lose a lot if Marikina's shoes won't be exported) while Singapore exports hundreds of billions of dollars in electronics and chemicals. not to mention that it has a lot of bilateral trade agreements with other countries aside from being a member of APEC... something that a mere city can't do.

    bizzare is the right word. Marikina aspires to be like a "little Singapore" on the sole premise that it's "clean". of course it ought to be clean since the head honcho of Marikina also happens to be the MMDA chairman so the best way to avoid criticism in his position is to set an example out of his own city. for facts and figures, you need to research that on your own but i doubt you'll find anything significant to be able to compare Marikina and Singapore.

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