
Please confirm the cleft severity from level 2 ultrasound images?

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Hi all

I went for my level 2 ultrasound yesterday and the doctor confirmed cleft lip for the baby.

We are worried with the diagnosis because we have had no family history of such nature. This will be our first time. We want to be prepared for what’s in store for us.

I know that some of you are ultrasound technologists and will be able to read the ultrasound images of the baby’s face. The images are uploaded at this link

I would really appreciate your help in answering the following questions based on the U/S images:

1. Can you please tell us if it is unilateral or bilateral cleft?

2. Does it extend to the nose?

3. Is the nose deformed due to the cleft?

4. Do you think a 3D ultrasound will give us a better picture of the cleft? If so what is the best time in terms weeks of pregnancy to get it done?

5. What are the odds of the baby having a cleft pallet?

Thanks is advance, to all those who will take time to answer the




  1. I'm at  work so I can't see the picture..I'll have to peek when I go home..You'll be able to get a better idea of the cleft during a 3d ultrasound..Most of the time they can't tell if the palate is affected, but in most cases, it is..It's more common to have a child that is born with both than just the lip..NOT saying it doesn't happen!  If you'd like to see pictures of my daughter we do have them on and her page name is EllaYvonne ..We also did a few stories for as well...If you're looking for answers a TERRIFIC place is active message board and they are all so supportive..I know it's a lot of information to take in..No matter what happens, it'll will all be ok!!

  2. There is a website for mother's who have lost babies.  Don't be worried I just wanted to let you know what type of site it was before you visited.  There is someone on their who has experience with the same thing, the cleft.  Perhaps if you post on the message board she would be willing to talk with you about it.

  3. discuss this with the OB.  if he/she isn't able to answer, seek advice from a perinatologist.

  4. I can understand your concern and worry. How many weeks are you? Have you tried getting a 4D sonogram? They will show much more than the 2D. In the meantime, try not to worry because you will be putting stress on the baby. You are blessed to be able to concieve and whatever you are blessed with and however the child looks, its up to you to provide that unconditional love.

  5. hi - i can speak from experience about hare lip/cleft palate, as i was born with the worst degree of unilateral cleft that's possible.

    if there is no family history, a common cause is folic acid deficiency.  this is why 5g of folic acid/day is now recommended, rather than 1g.

    it really doesn't matter how bad the cleft is:  to this day, only ppl who know about it can recognize the slight notch in my upper lip, the very faded scar running from lip to nostril, and the shape to my nose.

    because i also had a cleft palate, i have had many many surgeries but the surgeries today are MILES away better than they used to be.  they waited until i was 9mo old before repairing my lip - now, i've seen brand new babies get work done before they leave the hospital (sick children's) and you'd honestly never know anything was ever wrong.

    i speak with perfect diction - i don't "do" the wheezy nasally thing often mocked in the movies.  there is no problem with my aspirants, sibillants, or diphthongs.

    i do have a missing tooth but that's because i got so sick of the constant orthodontic work that i quit once my teeth were straightened out and looking good (i often get compliments on my white, even teeth, even though one upper bicuspid is missing where the cleft was).

    two things you can pretty much be assured:  your son will have a *gorgeous* pair of eyes and he will be *very* intelligent and charming.  those traits are often associated with the condition,. barring other complications.

    if the palate is involved, be prepared for ear infections.  they'll happen a lot.  avoid antibiotics as much as possible as they tend to cause scarring of the eardrum.

    if it's just the lip and maybe the nose, it is seriously no biggie even if it looks awful - by the time they've worked their magic (and i can't emphasize enough choosing a well-known children's hospital over a general plastic surgeon).

    i have three *beautiful* children now and none of them have hare lip or cleft palate.

    my youngest (15mo):

    me with my youngest:

    my oldest (now 22):

    my second daughter (19yrs):

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