
Please could anyone recomend something to take for shaking legs in driving test?

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I have my driving test this weekend and am worried that what happened in my last driving test might happen again. I didnt feel too nervous before the test. I did some practice manoevers and they went great. Then on the test it was all going so well until i had to do my manoevers, and then my legs went shaky and couldn't control them very well. I didn't get any minors but got a major for messing up the manoever. I took kalms and rescue remedy before the test but that didn't help? Please can someone help me? Thank you




  1. There are going to be nail-biting times in your life where there is pressure to perform.  The only way to overcome the pressure is to practice in it.

    For example, you say nervousness reduces your performance on the road.  Try drinking a few cups of coffee or down a couple of those power drinks like red bull so that you are even more shaky than at driving exam time--then go do your practice run with your hands &  legs shaking and your heart pounding like a drum.

    Keep practicing under these conditions until you can nervously pass the driving test.

  2. Your name says it all haha.

    Try to immerse yourself in the driver's seat. Keeping your ears open but your other sense attuned to evertything around you.

    Keep practicing. Practice with your parents. The one that will give you the hardest time will make you the best driver.

    Drive with Dad if you have one.

  3. Agree with other answer. This is apparently a very stressful experience for you since you messed up once before.

    Don't rely on any medications. Instead, try some practice maneuvers and have an important, significant person with you when you go through your practice runs.

    Try some deep breathing relaxation exercised, sit in the drivers seat, totally relax as much as you can, and place your hand on your diaphragm, and the  other on your upper chest. take in 3 long, slow breaths in, through your mouth, making sure that only the lower hand moves, not the upper one, slowly count to ten, then forcefully blow out the air through your mouth.  

    Never do more than three at a time, but practice it several times a day.  Also, tell yourself you know what you are doing and that you will do a good job.  This is important, because, you have to convince yourself.

    Then when you get to the test, when you get in the testing car, take the breaths one last time and drive a safe test.

    Oh, another thing, several times a day, stretch your legs as hard as you can, then relax. Only do this a couple times each time, too.  

    these are both very good relaxation technics and can be used anytime to help you when you are in a stressful sityation.

    Good luck.

  4. Normally I would say have a drink but probably not such a good idea before a driving test. Seriously, anything strong enough to calm your nerves will likely have other side effects that will either be noticeable to the tester or cause you to make other mistakes.

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