
Please could anyone tell me if they think there is something wrong with my cat? ?

by  |  earlier

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just lately she has started to act really strange... meowing all the time for no apparent reason, i have tryed everything...but i dont think she is in pain, she jus seems really distressed,

she is a very dependant cat as we found her abandoned in an alley way wen she was about a day old, because she was hand reared she is a very friendly cat and has never purposley hurt anybody untill recently, she is usually a cuddley cat who loves attention, she is very spoilt and gets cuddles most of the day by all the family, she is prety clingy and wont go in anyroom byherself.. she doesnt like change or shouting but just lately we have had a death in the family and plus we are packing as we are moving dwn south, could this be the reason to her odd behaviour? she sratched me today for the first time ever and she keeps on being really naughty, like sratching the wallpaper and coach, she meows all the time and i cnt work out wots wrong, she used to sleep at the end of my bed or on the floor next to my bed but now she wnt settle untill she has skin to skin contact with me...i hought that she might e pregnant but she has had an operation to prevent there still a chance she could be? i would do anything for my cat she is my baby...please could you tell me if you think it is anything to worry about?




  1. it could be the stress-cats dont like change, or pregnancy(not likely since shes been fixed) but something could physically be wrong with her. My kitty is usually very sweet but started acting stange and got a little violent. He didnt seem to be in pain but it turned out my neighbors icky mean cat clawed him up pretty bad (no where visibly)  and he would've died if we didnt get him to the vet in time.

    If her strange behavior persists i'd make an appt. with a vet.

  2. Get the feliway plug-in diffuser for the room and the spray for her blankets, they are god's gift to cats! My cats are sooo much more balanced now.  

  3. cats do not do well with change so she is probably stressed out from all of it call your vet sometimes they can give you tips to help her cope.

  4. Your cat is picking up on the feelings around her and is upset because she has had an unfortunate start in life.  You may go through a phase with her where she is not her normal self, but things should settle when you get to your new home.  When you do move, make sure you put her in a room of her own with all of her belongings - food/water/litter trays/toys etc and put in lots of comfy beds with some of your clothing so that she recognises the smell.  Don't let her out of the room unsupervised until you have completely finished moving in and there is no chance of her escaping.

    One of the best things I can recommend is Feliway which is an artificial cat pheromone - your vet can advise you on where to get them or you can check out the internet.  You plug them in and they give off a calming/reassuring atmosphere for cats - use a couple when you get to your new house.  Just be patient with her and let her settle in her own time.

  5. Maybe she is just being spiteful because of the move or maybe even because of the death in the family especually if it was somebody who lived with you or would come over to visit often.

  6. Cats are very sensitive to their surroundings and especially to the people they are closest to.  I tend to lean towards the thought she is feeling stress and anxious.  But when in doubt or if she stops eating or drinking - or if there are changes in her stools or urine, call her vet for a check up.   Also she could have inadvertently been hurt by a someone moving things around and not seeing her.  (just a thought)

    Good luck with everything and I am sorry for your loss. Prayers be with you all.

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