
Please could some one tell me the story line for all the tekken games including tekken tag?

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Or could u a website where i can read it my self




  1.   Tekken Tag Team isn't really included in the main storyline of the game.  I will post here the general storylines of each of the Tekken series, which mainly revovles around the mishima family but I will not be posting each character's individual story because that would be really, really long.


    A worldwide martial arts tournament is nearing its final, with a large purse of prize money to the fighter who can defeat Heihachi Mishima in the final round of competition. The contest is sponsored by the giant financial group, the Mishima Zaibatsu.

    There are eight fighters that remain after winning death matches all over the world. The winner of the tournament will receive The King of the Iron Fists title. Who will be the one to defeat Heihachi Mishima and take home the prize money and fame?

    Tekken 2

    A worldwide martial arts tournament was nearing its finale. A large purse of prize money which was to be awarded to the fighter who could defeat Heihachi Mishima in the final round provided incentive for warriors from all over the globe.

    Financed and sponsored by the giant financial groups, the Mishima Zaibatsu, the first Tekken tournament began with eight fighters, all of whom had emerged victorious in death matches held all over the world, all motivated by different motives, all possessing the skill and power to crumble mountains.

    Many battles were fought. But only one lone warrior emerged with the right to challenge Heihachi Mishima for the title of King of the Iron Fists. This warrior was Kazuya, Heihachi's cold blooded son. Bearing the scar given to him by Heihachi, he enters into vicious combat with his father on the same field where Heihachi last struck down his own son and dropped him into a trench at age five.

    After a grueling battle which raged on for hours, Kazuya emerged victorious by utilizing the skills which had been passed down from generation to generation of the Mishima clan.

    As Heihachi's broken body lay on the ground, Kazuya dropped to his knees and slowly lifted his father into his arms. Walked slowly to the edge of the same cliff where his father had left him to die, stared out over the landscape of all that was now his, and let go of his father's body. As Heihachi's body plummeted, Kazuya's smile gleamed in the sunlight...

    One year has passed. The Mishima Zaibatsu under Kazuya's leadership has become even more powerful with its tendrils reaching to all corners of the world. Soon after his father's apparent death, Kazuya disappears into the shadows. However, rumors of his immense power, and a dark side, slowly begin to spread throughout the world.

    Exactly one year after the end of the first Tekken, a message is relayed from the Mishima Zaibatsu fortress to news agencies all over the world announcing a second tournament with a prize a thousand times that of the first.

    So begins the tournament...

    Tekken 3

    The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 draws to a close. Jun Kazama comes to the stunning realization that Kazuya's supernatural strength stems from Devil. But she cannot help being drawn to him, propelled by a mystic force beyond her control. Several days later, the final challenger arrives to face Kazuya, the organizer of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. In a reprise of the first Tekken tournament, the father and son clash in a cursed blood battle. Eventually, Heihachi emerges, scarred, but victorious, to regain control of the immense Mishima Conglomerate. Unaware of Devil's presence, Heihachi casts the lifeless Kazuya into a fiery volcano.

    As Kazuya's body burns, the Devil appears before the pregnant Jun Kazama in a bid to enter the soul of the new life beating within her. But in a desperate struggle for the future of her child, Jun defeats Devil and retires to desolate Yakushima so as to raise Kazuya's son, Jin, alone.

    Having regained control of the Mishima Conglomerate, Heihachi sets about to further increase his powers. He embarks on a crusade to win the trust of world leaders by putting wars and conflicts to rest. Using his immeasurable wealth, he forms the Tekkenshu, a mercenary group employed to quell conflicts efficiently. He also takes a strong interest in the well being of developing nations by helping them build agricultural systems that will sustain them. Through Heihachi's efforts, the world appears to be regaining peace.

    Around fifteen years have passed, and Jin Kazama is now 15 years old.

    Under Heihachi's orders, the Tekkenshu are excavating a Central American archeological site when they discover a mysterious life form. Heihachi orders the creature's capture, but loses contact with the Tekkenshu after a garbled radio message, "... they are all dead... Toshin (Fighting God)?!..."

    Upon arriving at the dig, Heihachi finds a field of corpses. Heihachi is wracked by sorrow, but also realizes that the power of the mysterious life form could be the key to his long dormant dream of world domination. To obtain this myste

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