
Please discuss the two "white meats" poultry and pork. What are the similarities and differences?

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this is answered on an animal science level.. please nothing silly!




  1. Both come from dead animals, and while I am not a vegetarian, I recognize that these animals do suffer in the food industry.

    Chickens infact are one of the most cruelest raised of all our food animals..

    at age day 1 they are sexed, the females get their beaks chopped off and put in massive overcrowded barns, boring smelly place.

    the males are ground up into pet food.

    one dead chicken feeds fewer people than one dead pig.

    eat less meat.. switch to FREE RANGE EGGS.  dont eat chicken

  2. One has a beak and the other a snout.

  3. Excuse me...I may be wrong, but I thought poultry is white meat and pork is red.   I am an agriculture major and I have never thought pork is white.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but give creditable source of info.

  4. one's a chicken and the other a pig

  5. Both are the product of domesticated farming.  Neither animal is naturally white meat.  Kill a wild boar, or a wild jungle fowl.  You will not find any "white meat" on those animals.

    Domesticated animals raised in confinment, lacking exposure to sunshine, and who are not properly using muscles and therefor oxygenating them have "white meat."  Same with veal calves.

    So the only true "differences" between these two domesticated, and un-naturally raised animals is that one is a bird, and one is a mammal.  Both are natural ominvores.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    P.S.  My answers above ARE indeed correct, however they are most likely not going to pass with someone with a degree in animal sciences.  Please consult your text book for what the "correct" answer is, and remember just because it is the printed word, does not mean it is correct....always think outside the box.

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