
Please display some discipline words in farsi; stop, quiet, no...etc...?

by Guest57217  |  earlier

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Please display discipline terms in the farsi language. We have

a 3 yr old child in class whose main language is farsi who at times needs some direction.




  1. Have you tried sign language?

  2. Ask the child's parent or caretaker, they should be able to help.

  3. Stop (or enough) = Base! (not base like based on, but BAH- SEH)

    Be Good = (literally translates into "be a human" but it doesn't mean that!) Adam Bash (AAH-DAM-BAH-SH)

    Be Quiet = Saket Bash (SAAH-KET-BAAH-SH)

    you might want to add a "please" to it too which comes at the beginning of sentence as opposed to english which comes at the end of sentence.

    Please = Lotfan (LOHT-FAN) as in a fan of raiders!

    so for example, be quite please would be :

    Lotfan Saket Bash!

    Sit Down = Beshin (BEH-SHIN)

    Go = Boro (BOH-RO)

    No = Na (NAH)

    Don't be bad = Bad Nabash (BAD-NAH-BAHSH) bad is a Persian word drived from the ancient Persian language Avestan! so today the bad in english is derived from the Persian language. we have many words in common, because most of the English words are adopted from Sanscrit and Sanscrit was Derived from teh old-Persian language Avestan! so for example : Brother in english is Baradar in Persian (Farsi). BAH-RAAH-DAR!

    NOTE: you don't pronounce some of the "H" that i put in the pranthesis, they are just there so you know you have to use the sound "O" in Boro for example as some might pronounce it "Barow"

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