
Please ease my mind and help me...?

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I already asked and no one helped and i really just need my mind eased

We have weaned my son off of Alimentum, and off of soy because the doctor determined his throwing up definitely have always been the reflux, not a milk intolerance. He has a sensitive tummy so we decided to move him to the Parent's Choice Gentle formula, because when he was on Parent's Choice Soy, he loved it.

But heres the thing. His p**p is yellow (which I know is because of the formula change) but it is somewhat formed. It takes him a good half hour to p**p (which it always has, when he was breastfed and when he was formula fed). He was consitpated the other day so is it possible that he is still slightly constipated? And is it ok that his p**p is still slightly formed? I was wondering if this has happened with anyone on Parents Choice Gentle Formula....?

He is having 2 tablespoons of rice cereal in his 4 ounce bottle (for his reflux)...could that be what is making him constipated?




  1. Yes. Any change in a baby's diet can cause constipation. But, it is a good idea for the cereal b/c of reflux. How old is your baby? Have you tried diluted white grape  or pear juice? They are both natural laxatives.  That is what I did with my babies when they became constipated. Just take 4 oz bottle, mix it half and half of juice and water. I hope that helps!  

  2. How old is he? Formed poops are more common in formula - the fact is, it just doesn't get processed as well by the baby's tummy as breast milk.

    Edit: I am guessing your doc told you to add cereal - and of course we trust our docs and do what they tell us too. I do know that at 2 months, his little tummy is nowhere near ready to handle real food - hence the constipation. I would maybe seek a second opinion. I think maybe feeding him in a slightly head elevated position and just little bits at a time might help him out. Good luck - this stuff can be really hard to deal with.

    Edit: I think you have done all your research and tried everything - sometimes you have to do what you have to do - I am sorry this is happening but take heart in that it will probably go away pretty soon. In terms of constipation - maybe give him a couple ounces of warm distilled water and a little tummy massage. Prune juice works wonders (sometimes a little too well!) but I don't know at what age it would be safe to give it.

  3. give him some juice. just half water half juice and that should help with the poopies. he should be fine after that if not well then i dunno  

  4. How old is your son?  If he is pooping like he always has and the doctor doesn't see a problem, then I'm sure he's fine.  As long as his p**p isn't hard, I would say he's ok.  

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