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This is my lit homework. I read a book called Perfect by Natasha Friend and had to answer these two OPEN ENDED questions....

1-Was the title of this novel appropriate?

2-Based on what you have read, what will the future be like for the main character?


Perfect is an amazing title for this book. Isabelle Lee, an eighth grader whose father just passed away, would do anything to live a perfect life-where there is no such thing as death, eating disorders, or popularity; all of which have impacted her life greatly. People are constantly concerned about their body weights, including what others think of them. In this exciting story, Isabelle learns to deal with all of that. In my opinion the author was trying to make a statement by naming this book Perfect. She wanted readers to know that there is no such thing as perfection. Mistakes are what make us human and this novel will assure you that. It’s just like what Isabelle’s friend said, “Girls in magazines look so perfect. But maybe underneath all that it’s not so great for them. You can’t always tell just from looking.” In conclusion, the author made a great choice by naming this book Perfect.

Based on what I have read, Isabelle’s life will definitely change. She will cope with her father’s death in a much better and safer way. Isabelle will no longer suffer from an eating disorder, so she will be healthier. Most importantly, her mother, younger sister, and she can finally talk openly about the tragic death, instead of crying themselves to sleep every night. It won’t matter to Isabelle how popular she is or what table she sits at during lunch. A similar situation occurred to someone I know. Every time she was sad, she would barely talk or do anything! She didn’t know how to deal with her problems, so she began to think negatively. But then her mother and her visited a counselor and started to write about her feelings in journal, just like Isabelle did. She changed her future and lived a better life.




  1. how can you tipe that much?!

  2. horrible..


    Good job, I made a few changes.

        Perfect is an amazing title for this book in which Isabelle Lee, an eighth grader whose father just passed away, would do anything to live a perfect life. In this perfect life there is no such thing as death, eating disorders, or popularity; all of which have impacted her life greatly.   Threre are many things that cause one's world not to be "perfect" including an obsession with body weight and poor body image, to name a few.

       In this exciting story, Isabelle learns to deal with all of those perfection issues. I believe that the author was trying to make a statement by naming this book "Perfect," she wanted readers to know that there is no such thing as perfection, and the point was well illustrated throughout the book. Mistakes are what make us human and this novel will assure you of that. It’s just like what Isabelle’s friend said, “Girls in magazines look so perfect." The book made you think that maybe beneath all of the perfect images that life is not so great for them.

       Based on what I have read Isabelle’s life will definitely change. She will cope with her father’s death in a much better state of mind. Isabelle will no longer suffer from an eating disorder, which will make her healthier. Most importantly, her mother, younger sister, and she can finally talk openly about the tragic death of her father, instead of crying themselves to sleep every night. It won’t matter to Isabelle how popular she is or what table she sits at during lunch.  

  4. Its a good oer except you give a minute futuristic prediction of what the characters actions will probably be at the dinner table. I would stick to what is more important and what i see is more important is what will probably happen in school? Something that hec the author would write a book about

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