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Proponents of affirmative action argue that it is not only raced based but also class and gender based. To get rid of one of its key components it would totally defeat its purpose of the entire system. Generally, they also believe it’s based on the idea of class inequalities it either is to advocate as a means directly past discrimination as increase racial, ethnic, gender, or other diversity of some minority group. Last but not least they claim that immediate reparatory action can prevent the sudden economic dilemmas from reaching a point in which they become difficult to repair.




  1.  Authorities’ do not all agree about the definition of civilization. Most accept the view that "a civilization is a culture which has attained a degree of complexity usually characterized by urban life." In other words, a civilization is a culture capable of sustaining a substantial number of specialists to cope with the economic, social, political, and religious needs of a populous society. By discovering how to use metals to make tools and weapons, late Neolithic people affected a revolution nearly as far-reaching as that wrought in agriculture. Neolithic artisans discovered how to extract copper from oxide ores by heating them with charcoal.

    A culture can endure only if the knowledge necessary for its survival is passed on from generation to generation. Early peoples relied on information transmitted by word of mouth. But as cultures became increasingly complex, methods for keeping records were needed and systems of writing were created. To most authorities, the development of writing is a prerequisite to civilization.

    Known in ancient days as Mesopotamia (Greek for "between the rivers"), the lower reaches of this plain, beginning near the point where the two rivers nearly converge, was called Babylonia. Babylonia in turn encompassed two geographical areas - Akkad in the north and Sumer, the delta of this river system, in the south.

    Hammurabi is best known for his code of nearly three hundred laws whose stated objective was "to cause justice to prevail in the land, to destroy the wicked and evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak ... and to further the welfare of the people."

  2. the cat ran down the alley and was never seen again

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