
Please everyone Help Me?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I had s*x with my fiance on august 8th and the condom broke. Today is august 24 and I'm suppose to get my period august 28. I didn't really think anything of it until august 22nd. When I went to go to the bathroom and there was blood in my underwear. Not red blood but brown blood. Not a lot like my period but enough to notice. I thought it might be my period but when i went to the bathroom again it was all dried up. But then i went to the bathroom later on and it was there again that brown discharge. So i put a pantie liner on but i guess it wasn't enough cause it didn't even show up on the pantie liner. But after that when i went to the bathroom the brown discharge would show up but only when I use the bathroom and wipe it would be on the tissue. I had the brown discharge for two days and i posted questions about it and people said implantation bleeding but today when i went to the bath room its a lot more brown discharge. Like i have to start changing my pantie liner more often and now theres dark red blood. I really don't understand. I have to wait on going to the doctor for now. I'm having a lot of headaches and some chest pain. I went to the movies yesterday to celebrate my fiance's birthday and when we went to eat I got the baddest cramps. It hurt to even move. My fiance was so worried. It lasted for about 20 or more minuets but after that it didn't hurt anymore and i was walking and talking like nothing ever happened. Could i be pregnant? I took a test yesterday but it came up negative i thought that might of been because i was still having this discharge. What do you think this could be. Could it be implantation bleeding? Please give me all information you have and please be nice I am very stressed




  1. Sounds like you just had a funny period, it happens, but if your unsure you must go to the doctors, it could be implantation bleeding, an infection, your period, a burst cyst or a miscarriage, its better to be safe than sorry!

    Good luck and take care!

  2. yeah this happend to me also. Eventually my period came afterwards. If you think you might be pregnant, either get a home pregnancy test or call your doctor and see if they can test you. Otherwise....just be on the look out

  3. i think you should just go to the doctor, they can tell you everything

  4. u might want to go to your doctor to check u out as like a precaution  

  5. Go to the doctor...u find out everything u need to kno...goodluck.

  6. an infection,possibly yeast?

  7. go to the er

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