
Please...everyone...i need your help,advice, and answers desperatly.?

by  |  earlier

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I am 15 years old, I have a girlfriend who I love,

she might be and thinks shes pregnant,

i know i shouldnt be having s*x at this time of age but her mother and father know but her grandparents dont. if they find out i will literally die.

what do i do if she has the baby?

What do I do about school?

What do i do for her sake?





  1. You need to say calm....and as far as the s*x thing...well you didn't do anything wrong...its your life so don't let other ppl tell you have to live calm and help your girlfriend....Whatever you do DON'T leave her....being pregnant is VERY hard and stressful...she can't do it you helped make the baby so you need to help take care of it....

    Congrats hun!

    and Good Luck!


  2. I won't lecture you about not having s*x, because at 15 I was doing the same and just not getting caught out.

    If she has the baby I suggest you look after them,

    being a dad is not the end f the world

  3. You should have thought about those questions before you had s*x.  Hopefully she has the baby, if yall don't want put up for adoption.  School?  well you can still go, but also work full time & same with gf.  She can go up until baby or babies are born.  Then go back but you will have to pay for daycare, formula, diapers, baby accessories, (and they are not cheap), you just traded going out with friends, cruising around town, parties, Jr. & Sr. prom, school activities, because you will be working and struggling for the rest of you teenage years and probably adult years cause mim. wage jobs will not cut it.  And don't use the system.  Sorry but this is how it will be, unless your parents are very very wealthy.

  4. Well it sounds like you are trying to take responsibility for your actions and that is the first step.  The one thing that you can do for her right now is to be there for her and let her know that you are both in this together.  If she decides to have the baby then you will need to get a job.  You might have to go to night school so that you can work in the day.  

    Her grandparents will eventually find out when she starts showing.  You have about 3 months before she will start showing. Get ready for your life to change forever.

  5. If she has the baby plz dont be like other teenage fathers n leave her!! Take care of the baby!

    Dont quit school.. just be sure to finish school n take care of the baby with the help from your n her parents!

    Just help her! Be theyre for her!!!!!!!!!!!! If she has a craving buy her something!

    Be a good dad! n boyfriend!

  6. Just support her. =)

    Don't quit school, it will only make your lives harder.

  7. you had s*x like you was a man so if shes pregnant step up and be a man dont drop out of school because in the future you gone need  your high school diploma to take care of the child but until then get a job and if she has the child be a good father to him/her

  8. first find out...if so then ABORTION no jk DO NOT GET AN ABORTION just... deal with it. go with the flo and don't forget--- if she is HELP WITH THE BABY!!! DON'T LET HER DO IT ON HER OWN!!!

  9. you shouldn't have done that

    but definetely don't give up school and a good proffesion because of it because that will completetly ruin yor life. make sure she is really pregnant and work it out as it comes. It is also a good idea to have 2 kids because one by itself can become really selfish. ( maybe you can have the second one in a few years)

    aslo make sure you girlfriend has a good job after the kid and make sure you always pay her if you end up leaving her.

  10. You're are so immature. Just make sure she's pregnant and then you worry about everything else.

  11. The s*x is done and there is nothing you can do to go back.

    So move on with the future:

    Take a pregnancy test. These can be found at your local Dollar Tree for $1. You can go to places like planned parenthood.

    You have three options if she is pregnant:

    1. Keeping your baby.

    2. Giving your child up for adoption.

    3. Murdering your child. (they give her a pill or suction the baby out, or if its older they twist the head away from the body)

    If you choose to keep the child than you will need medical which you can get free through the state. She can also get on WIC and get free baby formula and food for her while shes pregnant.

    There are many programs out there to HELP you succeed.

    I would talk with her about taking the test. Like I said the s*x is done know going back or stressing on it.

  12. well, the first step you need to take is to find out if she really is pregnant.

    then tell your parents & her parents... & then all of them other relatives.

    if she is pregnant;

    both, you & her NEED to stay in school.

    this should be a little easier for you, rather than her.

    for her sake?

    well- you will help her financially & help her raise the baby...

    unless you two decide adoption is the best choice.

    goodluck, hun!


  14. well justin i think its really sweet that you are sticking by her even though she may be pregant an that shows you really love her and if you really do love her you two will be able yo get through it but as far as school goes just make sure you stick by her because high school is tough an pple are gonna pick on her but if the parents know the grandparents should survive

  15. You shouldn't have had s*x with her in the first place. If you did, should've used condoms.

    Anyway... You should go and apologize and then go and take of your child. Or you could just hope the child isn't yours.

  16. I have so much respect for you for caring and thinking about what will happen at school and what to do for her sake.  Let her know that you love her and support her no matter what decision she makes.  Talk through things with her.  For someone so young, adoption is probably the best option, but if you have supportive parents, it might also be possible to keep the child if you both want to.

    For her sake, try to stay calm.  Don't worry about her grandparents.  These are your lives, and their judgement will not help you.  Ask your girlfriend if she wants you to be there when she gets the results of her pregnancy test, and respect her decision.  You have shouldered a big responsibility by deciding to have s*x, and most boys your age would run and hide if there were actual consequences.  Congratulations on not being one of those boys.

    Talk to your parents or some supportive adults - her parents, since they already know.  They'll be able to guide you much better than a lot of Yahoo!Answers people who have never even met you or your gf.

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