
Please explain GI? What on earth is it? Whats high in it and low in it, and how do you define GI?

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Please explain GI? What on earth is it? Whats high in it and low in it, and how do you define GI?




  1. What you are thinking of is the Glycemic Index, not the Gastro Intestinal tract.  Here is a site with a full explanation on it:

    Basically, the Glycemic Index determines how much a food will increase your blood sugar levels after being consumed.  

    Foods with a low Glycemic Index will not raise them too high and are healthy, while foods with a high Glycemic Index will raise your blood sugar levels up pretty high, and these foods aren't as healthy.  

    This is especially important to people with diabetes.  GI can be defined as an index used to determine the effect of specific foods on blood sugar levels.

    Best of luck!

  2. GI = Gastro Intestinal tract

    Esophagus to descending colon (some say to a**s too)

    Esophagus >> stomach >> duodenum >> jejunum >> ilium >> cecum >> ascending colon >> transverse colon >> descending colon >> sigmoid colon >> internal anal sphincter >> (external anal sphincter)

  3. Glycemic Index   In short   Carbs with Hi G.I.  Will be "quick releasing" like white or refined bread or a Gatorade.  These will be broke down quickly for energy and the unspent "energy” will be stored as fat.  These should only be consumed after your work out.  Low G.I carb is clean whole carbs like 100% whole wheat, carbs that brake down and provide energy over the span of a few hours.

  4. GI stands for gastrointestinal.  It starts with your mouth and ends with your r****m.

    Mouth --> esophagus --> stomach --> doudenum --> jejunum --> ileum --> colon --> r****m

    Small bowel = doudenum, jejunum, and ileum

    Large bowel = colon

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