
Please explain how this is fair? (welfare help) ?

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There is a lady that lives in our building who's son is 13, gets high. He bugs everyone for cigarettes or alcohol to give him or buy for him. He has been in trouble with the police at-least 10 times in the next few months. He is said to have ADD or ADHD.

But the thing is she is never home, brags about spending time at the bar or with her boyfriend of the month. Leaving her son home for days at a time alone. I have heard him tell her to shut the F up, calls her a bi*ch or cu*t. He missed about 40 days of school last year.

But she has had people here talking with her and her son. When I spoke with my landlord (about them being kicked out) he said she is going for more money threw welfare. HOW IS THAT FAIR?




  1. its not fair, i think welfare is dumb. i think you should only be aloud on welfare if you have a job or are at least trying [really trying!]

  2. It is not fair! thats like the people who keep having kids do not work and just get more food stamps and bigger welfare checks! Report her DCS for child abuse, MORE THAN ONCE. Call the cops anytime he is left alone even if it means you call several times!!! That child will be the next one killing, or in prison because his mother is not decent

  3. Its not fair and it sucks that people abuse the system like that...

  4. Well what does them having problems have to do with them needing assistance...

    welfare goes by ur income, obviously this women doesn't bring in enough money and is eligible for it, nobody gets anything for free, in order to on it u either have to be working less then 20 hours a week, going through a work program or waiting on social security benefits, sorry but you don't know the circumstances of these peoples lives what they have to go through, nobody wants to be on welfare the money ain't nothin to live off, and the fact that u refer to these people as losers implies that u think ur better then them which makes u look snobbish, why don't u focus on ur own life instead of looking down on other people that weren't as fortunate as u.

  5. I have adhd and im bipolar and im only 15. Why don't they try that?  and the systemdoesn't care about anyone! My dad has been told he has 5 years to live andmy my just got laid offand right now neither ofmy parents are working so we don't have medication. I was in custody of dss because my parents are bipolar and were off meds and im probably gonna end up back in the system cause noone will help. We can't even get medicaid or anything!

  6. My Mom works in the welfare offices and she said that as long as the parent agrees to "try and find a job" that they will get supported. There really isn't anything that you could do.

    I really don't think it's fair either but at least i'm not in that woman's shoes.

  7. You are absolutely right. Keep calling the cops.

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