
Please explain............?

by Guest56083  |  earlier

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A couple of days back, someone had posted a question in Ramadan Section wanting to know if "Christians are Kafirs". (In my opinion, the word "Christian" can also be replaced by another religion). Most of those who answered agreed that Christians are Kafirs as they do not believe in Allah, etc. etc.

My question is that if Christians are Kafirs, why do you want to send your children to schools/colleges run by kafirs? Wouldn't attending kafir schools ruin the "holy" halo of muslims by listening to kafir hymns, celebration of kafir festivals, mixing with kafirs, sitting with them in the same class, etc?

I am a Christian and I live in India. I see most of the "Holy" muslims running after Christians schools wanting admission by hook or by crook.

Should a fatwa be issued barring muslims from attending schools run by kafirs?




  1. umm, If the hole world is christian, doesn't mean that i have to go wrong (no offense)

    i hope u know what kaffir means. it means dis-beleive, its not an insult. if u dis-believe in islam, than aren't u a kaffir? its like saying ur a non-muslim. a dis-believer. i don't get why people take offense.

    also i haven't seen many muslims in private Christian schools. i see many in public and yes many have went wrong. but if ur gona go wrong u can do it anywhere. the school might have effect, but that depends on the person

    edit: Don't worry bout it. just choose me as BA. im sure they would all want me.. u guys agree right?

    (wispers*U Better Agree*)

    jk :P

  2. Reason being "Kafir societies" are better than "Islamic societies".

    Simple as that.

    If it was not true. Then why would Muslims immigrate to western societies?

  3. I recall your question and while I can't find it, I'm sure you would agree the Christians are Kufr al Islam (disbelievers in Islam).  If they weren't kufr al Islam, they'd be Muslim.  But instead, they're Christian.

    I would never say a Christian is Kufr al God (disbeliever in God) becuase most certainly you believe in God.

    That being said, I would try to give my kids the best education available as well as teach them the importance of recognizing innovations in a religion vs what the founder of the religion actually taught, Jesus' (as) teachings being no exception.

    love for all, hatred for none


    and Yes Christians are Kaffir ( Non Muslim )


    I don't know why do you get offended I mean I am calling you a Non Muslim.

    You are a Non Muslim right

  5. Well in places like India, where poverty is rife, these Christian schools, some of which are run by missionaries are very good academically, and mothers do want the best for their kids.  

  6. That's like saying "If Christians don't like muslims then why do they buy oil from muslim countries? Isn't this hypocrisy?" Economic and social reasons make it essential in some cases. Indonesian Christians adopt Muslim names in order to be able to get a better job... isn't that hypocrisy?

    Besides, Muslim students can do dawa by telling the christian students in the school learn that god has no partners, no sons, no wives, no mothers, no body, no tears, no need to eat, no need to sleep, no hunger, no thirst, no temptation, no fear, no mortality, no weakness, no humiliation.

  7. surely Hindus also want their kids in these schools, but from what i know it has nothing to do with the religious aspect of the school.  It has more to do with the fact that these private christian schools have European or western curriculums and that is the thing that is so attractive.  And of course the prestige of being able to afford such a school.

  8. First, I would like to explain as to what Christians are from the perspective of Quran. (Please keep in mind that it is my understanding).

    As per Quran:

    NOT all Christians are Kafirs.

    The Quran says that THOSE who believe in TRINITY among the Christians are Kafirs (Pagans). Ref. 5:73  and 4:171

    Also as per Quran, the Christians are the CLOSEST in friendship to Believing Muslims. Ref. 5:82

    As per Quran, the Christians (those of them who do not follow Trinity) are also people of the book. They have been given the religious rites and as long as they uphold the commandments of God, they are muslims (in literal sense, e.g. submitters to God).

    Regarding the matter of sending in the children to study etc. There are many economic factors to which people yield to. We are not in a position to generalize things, based on an observation which is existent due to absence of an alternative.

  9. Well Sorry if someone here Hurt u ! But I do not Think that christians are Kafir ! kafir is a term USed for those who do not believe in Allah(God). Who ever said that Christians are Kafir Must be really really naive !

    And 2nd part of ur question Yes Muslims do want and are Running away to Western countries Cause themselves know They are far Better Human beings then us and do care about Human rights no matter what the race is !   I see some Talking against the country they are living in ! Which to me is the highest level of hypocricy !

    I did read a hadees saying Muslims should Be loyal to the Country  they Live in ! But they are not ! LOL

    The word kāfir  is mentioned in the Qur’an in five different senses:

    1-Kufr al-tawheed: to reject the belief in the Oneness of God

    2-Kufr al-ni`mah: to lack gratefulness to God or to people

    3-Kufr at-tabarri: to disown/clear oneself from

    4-Kufr al-juhud: to deny.

    5-Kufr at-taghtiyah to hide/bury something, like planting a seed in the ground.

    The word kufr can also be applied to a Muslim when he is doing something wrong, but not necessarily something that would place him or her outside the state of belief in Islam. For example, a Muslim who is able to perform the Hajj but does not go, without denying the need to go, would be committing an act of kufr in a sense of ungratefulness to God.

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