
Please explain the following........

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some say that due to lot of heat our nose starts bleeding........why does this happen?????please clarify my doubt...




  1. Yes, it's true that hot weather can cause nosebleeds. Not sure why, but it certainly seems to happen to many people. One theory is that the higher temperatures cause the capillaries in the nose to dilate.

    If I remember correctly, nosebleeds are most often caused by higher blood pressure in the nasal region, like when you sneeze.

    If the 'heat' you're referring to is the 'heatiness' mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine, yes, it does cause nosebleeds as well.

  2. Nose bleeding is due to lack of vitamin C.

  3. I agree with Ajmil but in addition hot weather makes us dehydrated leading to higher blood pressure which can cause the capillary vessels to rupture.

    Hope this helps!

  4. I'll take a stab at this, as it likely comes from two basic physiological reactions to hotter temperatures:

    1. Hotter temperatures tend to be "dry", in that the humidity is lower. The dry environment causes drying of the thin, sensitive mucous membranes. This makes the capillaries close to the surface of those membranes easier to rupture, leading to a greater chance for a bloody nose.

    2. Hotter temps cause the body to increase vasodilation to keep cool. This causes your capillaries to swell in order to carry hot blood to the surface of your body and cool yourself. Mucous membranes are very dense with the kinds of tissue that have capillaries. So, heat causes those membranes to become engorged and full of blood, making it easier to have a bloody nose if irritated or rubbed wrong.

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