
Please explain the process of how a land breeze forms at night?

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Please explain the process of how a land breeze forms at night?




  1. The specific heat capacity of water is higher than that of land so the lands cools faster.  Hotter less air over the sea now has a pressure less than that of the colder air over the land.  The air at a higher pressure will thus flow to the area of lower pressure.

  2. A land breeze is caused by the land temperature being cooler than the ocean water temperature. Land cools off faster than water so a land breeze forms. The land cools off because there's no INcoming SOLar RadiATION (Insolation) from the sun to heat the ground. Land Breezes are also common all day during the winter in coastal areas. In coastal areas  they prevent the temperature from decreasing as much as inland areas at night and during the winter time.

  3. Land breeze is caused due to the unequal cooling of land and the adjacent sea in the night due to radiation towards sky.Details follow.

    During night,the land becomes colder than sea due to radiational cooling.This is because the water gives out(as well as absorbs)the heat slower than soil.So, the air over the sea is warmer than that of the land and this warm air,being lighter, rises due to buoyancy.At the same time,a pressure gradient(difference in pressure values) is developed due to difference in temperatures between the land and the sea. This pressure gradient force acts towards the sea as the sea surface has a  comparatively low pressure area .So,the cool air from the land takes the place of the rising warm air over the sea.Hence,during night time,wind blows from the land to the sea at coastal stations.This wind is called land breeze.

    These wind systems(both land breeze and sea breeze which blows in the afternoon or evening) are of course shallow,limited to few metres above the surface and reaching only a few kilometres on either side of the coastline and occurs for a short period during day and night.Monsoons also can be called as land and sea breezes on a large scale as the reasons for the formation of both are the same.

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