
Please explain this saying ,"no good deed goes unpunished"

by Guest61959  |  earlier

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Please explain this saying ,"no good deed goes unpunished"




  1. All good deed will always have good result sooner or later.  

  2. Think about the Good Samaritan Law.  Someone is laying in the street dying.  You help them and save their life but as a result they must now wear a halo for the rest of their life.  The Good Samaritan Law is in place because something like that happened prior to its enactment - maybe not as severe - and the person who was helped sued (or "punnished) the person doing the helping (or "the good deed").  It's there to reduce the bystanders' hesitation to help someone in need for fear of litigation in the event of wrongful death or permanent injury.  

    When people say that, they're more or less remarking on the tragic irony of a situation in which someone went out of their way to help someone and received a response that impacted their life negatively.

  3. anything you do will have a result sooner or later. whether it be good or bad.

  4. Someone else asked this too. Here's the responses to that question:

  5. It is a sarcastic saying indicating that people who do good do not always get good things in return. It is basically the same as "good guys finish last." That said, it is just a cliche and has no real bearing in life. It is best used as sarcasm or humor.  

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